Battle with the Black Rose

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[Goodwin's POV]

I had just finished going over some extra security measures that I wanted in place for the tournament with the technician staff. Just in case something was to happen. I was now sitting on the couch in the private room waiting for my deputy to return with the man that will be dueling against Ms. Izinski, or better known as, the Black Rose. The chime of an alert grabs my attention indicating that they've arrived. A door leading to a security corridor to the room opened and the two men I was expecting came in. Lazar bowed and stood by my side followed shortly by Randsborg bowing to me as well. What made it better was the fact that he was wearing a set of golden knight armor with a sword strapped to his side. 

Randsborg: "Sir Randsborg. Reporting as you requested, my liege."

Lazar: *chuckles* "I told you he would be perfect for this duel. The costume might be a little bit melodramatic, but he said he wouldn't duel without it."

Goodwin: 'I personally like it.'

Randsborg: "Is it true I am to duel an opponent of thy female persuasion, your highness? Chivalry forbids this. Thy fairer species is too weak, my lord." 

Goodwin: "What if I told you that she was the Black Rose? It is believed that her cards wield a power so REAL, that they've been known to come to life."

Randsborg: "I see! A witch!"

Lazar: "Are you afraid, Sir Randsborg? Y'know, if you don't fulfill your obligation, well... You might just find yourself dueling at a Rennaissance Fair." 

Randsborg: "My word is my bond so I will engage this Black Rose in battle."

The monitor activated with it tracking the movement of Akiza Izinski through the hallways towards the field loading area. The other two turned to face the screen. What the other two didn't seem to notice, that I could see, was (Y/N) hiding around the corner to the loading area. I wondered why he would meet with her.

Lazar: *chuckles* "Just don't go easy on her in the arena. Push her to exhaustion. We must see if she has the mark of the dragon!"

Randsborg: "Fear not! Thy she-creature is no match for Sir Gill de Randsborg! On my sword..." *draws blade* "I swear the Black Rose will taste defeat!"

The knight swiftly sheathed his sword leaving through the same set of automatic doors he came in from. The cape flowed with his movements like water. I couldn't help but chuckle at the cliche of the situation. A brave knight leaving to slay the wicked witch. Lazar opened a file he had in hand going through the information inside.

Lazar: "Now we'll see if he's really up to the task."

Goodwin: "He should be thankful that HE didn't have to go against (Y/N)."

Lazar: "Hahahaha~! How true."

----- A Little Bit Ago -----

[Akiza's POV]

I was not in a good mood. Here I am, dueling in a televised tournament, filled with people that are going to hate me. I am different from them, and they will always hate people like me. When I told Sayer about the invitation to the Fortune Cup. He was skeptical at first, then saw that this was an opportunity, but that isn't what was on my mind. I was wondering if (Y/N) would be interested in joining if I were to talk with him about it. What would he say? I was going to bring it up with him in the waiting room, but he wasn't in the room. It made me a little sad, so I started walking to the duel arena. That's when I heard voices from around the corner to the next hall. I peeked my head around to see the two kids that were with (Y/N) that day at the KaibaPark and some other kid with glasses. I know one of their names since she was in the tournament. They were walking over to that guy that came up to me and (Y/N) that day too. His name was Yusei, if I remembered right.

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