Surprise, Surprise

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This story has hit its second milestone. Over 10,000 reads! This is so huge! As thanks, I give you this chapter. Hope you're ready for some feels because this is going to dive into your past. I know that one of you in the previous chapter made a comment about this. You're about to get your wish. Also, sorry for the long update. This was... FAR more difficult than I anticipated. It took longer than I hoped it would. I hope that none of you are upset as a result of that. I really am sorry.


[3rd POV]

Akiza: "(Y/N)."

Sayer: "You."

(Y/N): "Hello, Sayer. We meet again."

The two of them glared at one another making the atmosphere in the room thick with tension. Akiza kept looking back and forth between her crush and the man who has helped her so much. The last thing that she wanted was a fight to start between the two of them. Especially if it was about her. She did not want to be the center of attention like that. The silent showdown kept up for about a minute until Akiza had enough of the nervousness in her system.

Akiza: "Can you two please NOT start something?"

(Y/N): "Of course, Akiza. I hope that there isn't a problem between us?"

Sayer kept his gaze locked onto the young psychic duelist. He still was a little pissed about him destroying his truck not that long ago. Taking in a deep breath Sayer calmed down softening his face towards (Y/N). The tension deminished a bit but was till palpable. Akiza was able to breathe in a sigh of relief as the two men she cared about the most weren't going to rip each other's throats out. (Y/N) turned so he was facing Akiza which she noticed.

(Y/N): "I quite enjoyed your duel, Akiza. I'm sure you knocked him down a peg or two."

Akiza: "Well, he deserved it."

(Y/N): "That he did."

Sayer: "Akiza."

Akiza: "Yes, Sayer?"

Sayer: "I believe that me and (Y/N) have some things to discuss. Can you give us a minute?"

Akiza: "Uhh... sure?"

Akiza leaves the hallway, but not before (Y/N) waved her goodbye. She smiled warmly and waved back in return. Akiza rounded the corner, and as soon as her footsteps couldn't be heard, (Y/N) and Sayer went back to their staring contest. They both didn't like the other very much and wanted nothing more than to start an altercation. (Y/N) however knew that if something along those lines were to occur, then Akiza would not be very happy with him. He decided to be diplomatic about their situation so he can stay on Akiza's good side.

(Y/N): "So, tell me, did you want to talk about something?"

Sayer: "Just who are you?"

(Y/N): "I'm just a simple man trying to make his way through the universe."

Sayer: "Goodwin wouldn't have invited a "simple man" to the Fortune Cup. We both know that you are far from that little word, Mr. Blue-Eyes."

(Y/N): "Then what is it that you wanted to talk about? If it was something minor, then you wouldn't have sent Akiza away to give us the luxury of privacy."

Sayer: "How is it that you can trust a man like Goodwin? What has he done to get on your good side?"

(Y/N): "I do not trust that man. I will never trust a man like him. His words may be sweet as honey, but he speaks with poison. It is simply due to the simple fact that he fears me. He knows what I am capable of, and he knows the price if he crosses me."

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