Veritates et Visiones

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[3rd POV]

----- New Domino: Daedalus Bridge -----

The sun was rising higher in the sky as the morning progressed into day. The blue hue of the sky stretched outward as the orange glow began to fade. (Y/N), Yusei, and Goodwin all looked out towards the Satellite. The smog that covered the island had always been prevalent and so it was today. However, they too were somewhat in a fog of their own. The morning's shroud from the ocean they built their city by encompassed the shoreline, and in turn, the uncompleted bridge they stood upon.

Both Yusei and (Y/N) were ready to hear the truth that Goodwin had promised to tell them. But especially (Y/N). Ever since the Championship Match and his duel against that shadow drone, this wanting to know not be in the dark had been nagging him. In truth, it wasn't just to make himself more knowledgeable about what is coming, but for more selfish reasons: Leo, Luna, and Akiza. He wanted to know more because he had become attached to them. He wanted to protect them to the best of his ability. His plan was, that when he learned what Goodwin was going to tell him, he was going to tell Akiza when he met her again in the dreamscape.

(Y/N): 'I wish she was here. Her presence sooths me. I could really use that.'

Yusei: "You said you would tell us the truth. It's been a few minutes with you looking out towards our home." *pulls up sleeve* "Why don't we start with this?"

Goodwin: "That is the Mark of the Crimson Dragon. It belongs to those who protect our world from the darkness."

Yusei: "Oh, is that all? Then why did it choose me, huh?"

(Y/N): "Choose us. Any of us."

Goodwin: "Because you are strong and selfless. The Crimson Dragon knew that neither of you would run from a challenge or the darkness that is coming, and this darkness is dangerous. It will take on many forms. Maybe a stranger or perhaps a friend, but you will know for they will have the Mark of the Shadows."

Yusei: "Mark of the Shadows?"

(Y/N): "You must mean the Dark Signers. I went up against one of their drones. He had a glowing purple mark on his arm in the shape of a spider."

Goodwin: "Then, thanks to you, the first battle of this war has already been won. Just as the both of you and your fellows have been chosen to protect the light, they choose to protect the darkness. They will stop at nothing to defeat you."

Yusei: "Dark Signers... Chosen protectors... When did all of this even start?!"

Goodwin: "Perhaps we should start at the beginning three thousand years ago when the war began."

(Y/N): "Now, we're getting somewhere."

Goodwin: "You see, long ago, there were two great armies: one of shadow and one of light. During this time, they did battle across the face of the Earth nearly bringing the world to its end. All in an effort to close the gates of the Underworld."

As Goodwin was about to get onto the history lesson they he and Yusei have been dying for, something happened. There was a momentary surge in (Y/N)'s mind as his connections were being put on overdrive. It didn't hurt, but his vision started to blur. In a blink of an eye, where once was the bridge that he was standing on with the other two, was now Earth. Shock filled his system as he was just floating in orbit of the planet. Before he could even begin to process what was happening to him, he was surged forth towards the surface. The clouds raced past him until he was brought to what was once a vast field. Now, it was nothing more than a wasteland. (Y/N) looked around until he heard roaring come from behind. When he turned, he couldn't believe what he saw.

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