The Fortune Cup Finale IV

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[3rd POV]

The duel came to a momentary standstill as both Jack and Yusei took the time to look at the entity above their heads. Yusei was somewhat concerned seeing the Crimson Dragon again, much less in a much more detailed form. The last time this creature appeared, both he and Jack nearly got thrown out of the Kaiba Dome. To say he was worried about the safety for everyone present would be an understatement. Jack on the other hand was different.

He looked up at the Crimson Dragon and smiled. This is what the tournament was all about. To bring about the revival of this great beast, and to prove himself to be the greatest. He knew that he was the greatest. Not some old childhood friend who doesn't put dueling above all else, and especially not some psychic descendant of one of the world's greatest duelists. He was going to prove in front of the entire world that it will be him that is immortalized for all time. That it will be his name that echoes throughout time while all others fade into nothing but a dim memory.

(Y/N) just watched on not sure about what to think. All of this was somewhat overloading, even for one such as him. The events of this duel have left him wondering. He has never really sensed danger at all within the seventeen years of his life. Never once was he left this concerned about anything in a general sense, but today has just been that one day. That spike of danger from his sixth sense was slightly unnerving for him. His thoughts went straight to Akiza worried about her wellbeing. Something was telling him that something bad was going to happen to her soon.

Jack: "Crimson Dragon, welcome to MY arena!"

(Y/N): 'I'm sorry... YOUR arena? As if!'

Jack: "Now witness how your future master wins this duel!"

(Y/N): *eye twitches* 'I'm going to punch him. I'm going to punch that prick right in his fucking pretty, little face.'

Yusei: "Jack, be careful! The Crimson Dragon might rip this place apart and everyone inside!"

Jack: "Don't tell me your scared. I am a Signer, Yusei Fudo, and this is MY destiny! Goodwin told me that the power of the Crimson Dragon will help me save this world!"

Goodwin: 'And it shall, Jack, but you will not fight the darkness that is coming alone. Legends foretold that once all six Signers are gathered, the future can be revealed. So, with the power I possess as the sixth Signer, I will now--'

He was interrupted when he felt a shiver go up his spine. This was not a shiver you get when you feel the air get colder, nor was it one from when you feel like you're being watched. This was a primal shiver. One that an animal's most basic instincts would use to warn them of a danger nearby. The presence of a predator. The sense of approaching death.

Elsewhere, inside of a small tank in a lab, was a severed arm. This arm was not just any other arm. This was bore the mark of the Crimson Dragon's head. It shined with a rippling energy as the medicinal liquid bubbled around it inside the tank. No one was inside the room, at least, no one that could be seen. The form of a man stood there by the tank invisible to the naked eye. The only evidence of it being there would be the rippling effect around its shape. It reached out to the tank while whispering incoherent chants. 

The mark upon the arm began to glow brighter as dark laughter filled the empty room. All the other marks reacted to the severed arm triggering them to react. First it was Yusei and Jack's with them being the ones currently locked in battle. The next were (Y/N)'s followed shortly by Luna's. The last one was Akiza as she laid in the tub bathing in the glowing water. All of them felt a slight twinge of pain in their arms almost like it was drawing their attention. The Crimson Dragon roared once again into the sky before stretching and flapping its wings.

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