Chapter 20

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Read the author's note PLEASE you lil sluts. It's important, or else I wouldn't be telling you this.

Chapter 20


"You know, MagCon was so much more fun then I thought it'd be."

"I told you, Rynn. Don't know why you ever doubted me." Nash said, his hand resting on my thigh as drove to the lake. The wind whipped my hair and goosebumps freckled my skin where Nash wasn't holding me.

"I think I like your jeep more than my Lexus. Want to trade?" I grinned, leaning over the console to kiss Nash's neck. He hummed in approval and his grip on my leg tightened.

"Nope, the no-doors thing makes me look rugged and sexy as hell." He smirked while I laughed. Pulling off his Ray Bans, I leaned back in my seat as Nash weaved through all the streets.

He was right though; his car made him a little more irresistible. I was happy he belonged to me.

"Your bikini is in the back seat if you want to go swimming later, kitten." I looked at him and he looked so peaceful.

"Kitten huh? What's up with the pet name baby?"

"If you don't like it, I'll call you something else." Nash rushed out, but I cut him off.

"Mmm, I love it." I purred and he chuckled with relief. "Now let's go to the lake!"

I hopped out of the Jeep and pulled my suit out from the back. Screaming as he tickled me, I bolted away from him. Nash chased after me as I ran to the bathrooms, squealing and shouting. I reached one of the stalls and locked him out, making him bang his fists on the door.

"Aha! Now I guess I'll have to stay in here till I turn ninety."

"No, I'm sorry kitten. Come out and play?" He called huskily and I swear my knees almost buckled. I could here his heavy breathing, and I giggled.

"Sounds like someone is out of shape!" I called him out on his panting.

"It also sounds like I'm going to have to leave you here. Call me when you're ready!"

I scoffed, thinking he wasn't being serious until I heard the Jeep start up.

I fumbled with the lock on the door and burst out of the stall to see him leaned up against the car, keys in the ignition. Nash mimicked me as I crossed my arms across my chest.

"You're so funny. Hardy har." I muttered, and he strutted over and kissed my forehead before slipping into the stall behind me.

"Do you want to swim in your clothes? That would be very uncomfortable." He called to me in a cocky tone. I slinked back into the bathroom, to find him grinning like the Cheshire cat.

"That's what I thought. Now would you like help with your shirt?"


I pushed Nash's head under water and bubbles burst around my arm. I let out a shriek as he pulled me under. My eyes were squeezed shut, but he tapped lightly on my eyelids, so I hesitantly opened them.

His eyes were as blue as the water and I could hardly feel his ghost kiss. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. Out of breath, I came to the surface and dramatically let out a noisy sigh.

"I could've drowned Hamilton Nash Grier! In no way is that funny young man!" I scolded him and he just laughed.

"Yes mother."

"Don't give me attitude mister!"

"Don't give me attitude mister!" Nash mimicked me and I slapped his arm away, but he reached for me. I scooted away and his fingertips left a trail of goosebumps.

"Come back, kitten." He whined softly before pulling me into his chest. I let out a squeal.

Nash started to kiss my neck and made his way down to my collarbone. He tried going lower but I shoved him off.

"I don't think so. Save that for the bedroom." I winked at him and he just smirked at me.

"Oh I just love it when you talk dirty to me." He said mockingly, making me laughed.

"Mmm, I know." I hummed, kissing his lips softly. He shuddered, holding me closer to him.

"What is the best thing you've ever done?" I asked after a moment of silence.

"Probably ask you to be my girlfriend."

"That better be the best thing you've ever done." I growled lowly, and Nash chuckled.

"How about you, princess? Is there something you're doing that is just outstanding?"


"Oh yeah? What would it be?'

"Loving you."

The End.

Author's Note:

OH MY SWEET BABY JESUS THE BOOK HAS FINALLY COME TO END. I know I know, I didn't want it to end either, but eventually every good thing must come to an end.

I want to thank you! The readers! For making this a fun experience and forgiving me your feedback! Hopefully I made you laugh, and if I didn't I don't know why you kept reading. I mean, thanks I guess, but I why?

Anyway, I must admit, there were parts of the story that were so ridiculously dramatic it was stupid. I'd go back and change it, but one part was too big to fix and even spilled into two chapters. Oops.

This was a short chapter, but I said in the last author's note that it would be (you probably never read those anyways, or this one either).

Although this is the last chapter, that doesn't mean you still can't VOTE, SHARE, and COMMENT. It would mean a lot to me if you told me what you thought of this freaking brutally honest, or I won't learn from my mistakes.

FOLLOW ME! It'd be nice.


I'm trying a new thing now, send me an idea you've had of a plot and characters and if I like it, I'll write about it! Only if you don't want to, of course. I will dedicate it to you and give you credit PLUS you can edit/correct it before I post a chapter! So PM or DM (whatever it is) me and let's get cracking.

Thanks for reading you whores. Lots of love,


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