Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


The event ended and it was 8. I was exhausted but I promised the boys a movie marathon. Hopefully they didn't remember because I just wanted to sleep.

I walked back to the room, alone. They boys were in the lobby, eating leftover pizza we had gotten as a late dinner. I jumped in bed, my eyes growing heavy with sleep. I had just started to drift off when someone crawled in bed next to me. More people crawled in.

"What the hell?" I threw back the covers and all the guys were huddled in a big group. Jack G. handed me some scary movies and looked up at me hopefully. I gave them back to him and shook my head.

"You promised us a movie marathon, Rynnie." Tay said with puppy dog eyes. I groaned, flipping back onto my pillow. I squeezed my eyes shut, but Nash sat me up again like a rag doll.

"Come on! We brought horror movies." Matt said, taking the movies from Jack G. and throwing them at me. I looked through the movies and my eyes went wide. Paranormal Activity, the entire series. The Possession. The Ring. The Conjuring. Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The House at The End of The Street.

"I'll never get to sleep! These will keep me up!" I yelled and Nash nodded.

"That's the point baby." He laughed and I shoved him. I shook my head.

"Fine, but if I keep you up with my screams, you can't get mad at me."

"The only thing you'll be screaming is my nam-" Nash smirked, but I punched him in the gut. The guys all laughed and put in The House at The End of The Street, which for me, was the scariest thing on this planet. Nothing compared.

I snuggled into the blankets and Nash wiggled his way next to me. I looked up at him and he smiled down on me, putting his arm around me.

"I miss this." I whispered to him.

"I know, I'm busy and we never spend time together." That reminded me of the surprise he claimed he was working on. What was it?!

"What are you working on anyways?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"A surprise. You'll have to wait and see." He smirked, looking at the TV. I watched his face, but he didn't give me a hint. Guess I'll have to wait.


I squinted through the dark, listening to someone shuffle around. Accidentally letting out a groan, the shuffle stopped, and a bright light flashed on. I squeezed my eyes shut until they adjusted.

Nash stood in front of me, holding a box of contacts and a needle, the kind doctors use to inject a numbing solution into you. Oh god. It was just like that scene from The House at The End of The Street.

I tried to jump up, but I was strapped down to a chair. What the hell? How did I get here?!

"Nash? What the hell is this?" I asked, my voice cracking. He ignored me and continued to fill the needle with some sort of minty green serum.

"Nash!" I yelled at him.

"Stay away from her." Nash growled.

"Her? Wha...?" There was a small groan next to me, and strapped down to a filthy little cot was Cam. I yanked frantically at my chains.

"Nash! Nash stop!" I screamed, still pulling. Cam woke up with a small start, and glared at Nash.

"Nash? Buddy what's going on?" He asked, clearly confused. Cam started to lean up but the straps restrained him. He stared at them with wide eyes.

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