Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


I sipped on my iced tea as Matt told everyone how some girl tried to to jam a plastic ring on his finger. Everybody was laughing, but I was too focused on Nash.

He downed the rest of his frappe and traced the Starbucks logo on the cup with his finger. Nash looked up at me and smiled warmly, and I wondered how I never noticed how truly beautiful he was.

I shook my head a little, and turned to the rest of the boys.

"Y'all ready to go?" I sighed, pushing my chair back and tossing my my tea into the trash. They all nodded their heads and we left the Starbucks.

We all chatted and laughed in the walk back to our hotel. My legs were starting to ache.

"We need to make a vine. Like, now." Brent said cracking a grin. He reminded me of a monkey.

"YASSS." Jack J. screamed, and we all covered our ears, laughing.

"YASSS. We need to do that." He screamed again, just when I was starting to recover. Jack started to yell again, when I slapped a hand onto his mouth.

"YAS, we get it." I screamed for him and everyone laughed. Jack G. started to hum as we continued to walk to our hotel.

We burst thought the doors and crowded into the elevator. I pulled out my phone and opened Twitter.

I was scrolling mindlessly and liking posts, but one stopped me. My finger hovered over the favorite button as I read Nash's post.

@Nashgrier : I love her so much but she's too blind to tell

I gasped a little, and yanked my hand away from my phone, letting it clatter to the ground. Hayes looked at me and nodded, as if he was reading the same post.

I slowly picked my phone up and exited out of Twitter. Cam watched me carefully and maneuvered around Carter and Aaron discussing something stupid. He came up to me and looked down on me with a worried face.

"Hey, are you alright? You look like you just saw a ghost." Can murmured into my ear and I faked a smile.

"Nah, I just..." My sentence trailed off.

"You just...?"

"Nothing, nevermind." Cam bunched his eyebrows together in frustration, but nodded and shifted his way through the crowded elevator. I could feel Nash's stare as I looked down at my feet, and I knew he'd want an explanation later.

The elevator gave a groan and the door opened, and we all pooled out in relief. I stretched a little and headed to our room. But, I was stopped when I saw people I hated very much walking in our direction.

Chole and Lucas.

I barfed mentally and darted back into the elevator. The boys watched me in confusion, and yanked me out.

"What's wrong Rynn?" Arron asked, still holding into my arm. I pointed at the two devils, who hadn't seen us yet. Cam, Nash, and Hayes were the only ones who understood. They explained.

"That girl over there, hates Rynn. The boy broke her heart, but wants her back, or acts like it." Taylor turned red and marched over to Lucas and Chole. I winced and tried to pull him back.

"Tay, no!! Stop!" I whisper screamed at him. He kept walking until we reached them. He tapped Chole's shoulder, and she turned around with wide eyes. She saw me, and her happy smile turned into a scowl.

"Ew, look, it's little freak. And then there's the beautiful Taylor Caniff." Chole sighed dreamily at him and it was his turn to scowl. I ran away before he could say anything.

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