Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


"You're so funny!" I laughed at Cam's extremely corny jokes. We were sitting in Starbucks, which was practically our place, and he just wanted to hang out with me. That's sweet. I also came along because I needed my mind off Nash.

"Haha, so what do you want to do?" He asked me, eagar. I thought for a moment. Then it hit me.

"Bumper cars!" I yelled. I threw my empty cup away and yanked Cam out the door. We laughed as we ran through the mall to the rides.

"That will be ten dollars." The worker said, scratching one of the many red acne spots on his face and holding out his other hand, nonchantly. I would too if I had to say that all day every day. Cam handed him a ten and I began to protest.

"No, Rynn. My treat." Cam flashed a white smile and my stomach fluttered. We waited in line for the floor to clear.

"You didn't have to pay for me. I'm anything but poor." I laughed, looking over the empty cars as the people swarmed to the exit. I could feel him pressing up against my side, breathing into my neck.

"I know, but still. Guys always have to pay when they're on a date." He said cheekily. I laughed at him.

"So this is a date?" He noded and I laughed again, shaking my head. The worker mumbled something into a microphone and everyone in line started to claim cars on the floor.

Cam took my hand and led me to the cars. I climbed into a yellow one with a bright red 7 painted on the side. He climbed into a green one with 4 on the side, then sent me a devilish smirk.

"You're going down Rynn!" He laughed as the bell rung and we drove around the track. I rammed into him and flew into my seatbelt. We laughed the entire time, ramming into each other, until we had to get out.

Cam was a good distraction.



The taxi pulled over to the sidewalk and I jumped out, throwing a wad of cash into the passenger's seat. I rushed into the mall and looked around.

Rynn needs to know how I feel.

God, I have liked her the moment I met her, which was when we were really tiny. She needs to know how she makes me feel. All the crazy things I do; all because of her. Around her, I feel like I'm flying. I want to tell her she mean so damn much to me.

I walked through the mall, ignoring the gasps coming from girls as they recognized who I was. I'd probably regret ignoring them, because they mean so much to me, but right I am focused on finding Rynn.

I had just reached the end of the mall, where the carnival rides are, when I saw her.

Rynn sat on the bench, alone, looking at her hands. I started to jog over to her, a little happy to catch her alone, but I stopped. Cameron walked over to her and handed her a hot dog. She looked up at him and smiled, but I could tell she wasn't all there. Her eyes seemed a little empty and sad, but she was always a good actress.

Rynn stood up next to him, and he hugged her, kissing her cheek as she bit into her hot dog. I could literally feel my heart sink into the bottom of my stomach. What happened next ripped it in two.

Cameron leaned in and kissed her, his eyes closed and a small smile on his lips. She looked relieved but a little far away; her eyes were open. I felt like crying.

I turned away slowly and walked away. I heard some one call my name, but I ignored it. My world was starting to fall apart.

"Nashie!" The unmistakable voice of Chole rang through my ears. I glanced up and she strutted to me, her head held high.

Loving YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora