Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


After the plane flight, I was a little scared. I hated planes, and I vow to never ride on one ever again. Ever. I staggered into the Cali airport and sat down in one of the chairs, Nash and Hayes running to join me. They plopped down on either side of me, sighing and then laughing.

"Calm down babe, the ride's over." Hayes laughed and I gripped Nash's hand tightly. He squealed when my hold on him became too tight, so I loosened up and laughed.

I pulled out my phone and opened up vine. Holding the camera up, I pressed down and it started to record. I always make a vibe when I feel a little timid.

"Sup guys! I'm in the Cali airport and can't wait to meet you guys! Come for our meet and greet!!" In the background, Nash and Hayes were making stupid faces, and I ended up tagging them after. Comments flooded in.

Can't wait to see you guys!

You're so pretty! I'm so excited!

Nash is sooo hot.

I laughed and closed my phone, reaching out to grab the handle to my suitcase, but a security guard already got it. The nodded to the door and we all left, climbing into the van that Magcon rents for us, along with hotel rooms.

We drove to the hotel, going over our plan.


I stepped out of the car, my shades on and my hip jutted. Nash got out behind me and Hayes followed. I walked to the hotel door, and Nash held it out for me; all part of the plan.

I sashayed in and scanned the premises, looking for a rowdy group of teenage boys, and I just spotted them. My heels clicked to the small group and stopped behind a blackish haired boy.

"Hey." I smiled at them and took off my sunglasses. They all stared at me with open mouths and wide eyes.


"Oh my gosh, is that Rynn Marks. Ohmygod how's my weave?" Alx James asked a brown haired boy. I laughed, I didn't realize I was a role model of his. I studied all of the boys and out of the entire group, I only knew him, Brent, and Matt.

"Your nonexistent weave is beautiful." A very sexy brunette boy said to him, and I almost gaped at his extreme beauty.

"Hey babe! Wait up!" Nash ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me. Again, all part of the plan. He smirked at the boys and I wanted to giggle. I could practically see the hearts in the groups' eyes.

"Guys, this is my friend Rynn. I told you I knew her." Nash laughed as the guys groaned and dug around in their pockets to pull out their wallets. Did they bet on me?!

"Well I'm going to head to my room." I said to the boys and grabbed the handle of my suitcase that the security guard set down next to me. I started to walk away when Nash stopped me.

"Hey Rynn, you're going to be sharing a room with Brent, Taylor, Shawn, and me."

"The more the merrier." I flashed a white smile and the boys started howling.


I waited for the elevator to ring as I ascended to the second to the top floor. My room was up there, and I had a feeling is be spending a lot of my time in this elevator.

I exited and walked down the hall to room 529. There are a ton of rooms in the hotel, it's crazy. I slid the card into slot and it beeped as it opened. I shuffled through the doorway with my bags and sighed.

"YAS. WE ARE HERE FINALLY." I shouted at the room, even though everyone was downstairs. I paused for a moment and laughed at myself, when Nash walked in.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Well, all the guys are going to the pool. Do you wanna come?"

"Wait, this place has a pool!?" How big was this place? Nash laughed at my amazing and nodded, waiting for my response. I nodded.

"But you have to leave, I ain't changing in front of you." He laughed, holding his hands up in surrender, and backing out the door. He closed it after him and I dug around for my bikini. I was changing when there was a knock on the door.

"Hold on! I have to put a top on!" I yelled at the door, and I heard someone laugh on the other side. I slid the top of my bikini on and walked to the door, opening it. There stood the incredibly attractive boy with the brown hair.

"Well hEllo." I smirked at him and he smiled at me. He held out his hand and I shook it.

"I'm Cameron, but call me Cam." I smiled greedily at him and he laughed.

"I'm Rynn."

"I know. I actually follow you on Instagram and Vine." He blushed, running the a hand through his super soft looking hair.

"I think we should've met earlier. I like the looks of you." He grinned and leaned down slowly. I watched him, and for a brief moment, our lips touched. I smiled and backed away.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going swimming." I brushed past him, flipping my hair in a flirtatious was and heading to the elevator. I could hear him panting like a dog as I stepped in and pressed the button to the lobby.


"Hey guys." I gave a little wave and all movement in the water stopped. Nash cat-called and I turned the color of an overly ripe tomato. They all laughed and continued to do whatever they were doing before.

"Rynn, baby, long time no see!" I turned around and jumped into Matt's open arms.


"Oh ho, it's so good to see you again!" He started to shift forward, and I tried to see what he was doing but he held my head close to his cheek.

"What are you doing?! Matt!" I squealed and he threw me into the pool. it was freezing and I swear my makeup was smearing. I surfaced and gasped for air.

Matt was cracking up and I pouted. He quieted and held a hand out so I could climb out. I took it, and yanked him into the pool. It was a big splash that got me even wetter, but it was worth it.

I was laughing when he dunked me under.

"Oh you guys! Stop flirting!" Brent called from the other side of the pool. We all laughed and I turned back to Matt.

"Oh Matt! I love you so much." I said in a squeaky voice and batting my eyelashes.

"Oh Rynn, our love in undeniable!" He threw me kisses and laughed. Nash came up beside us and took my hand.

"Matt, you are wrong. Rynn and I were planning in running away together." I laughed and nodded at Matt, laughing. Nash plucked me up and carried me out of the water, planting kisses on my cheek.

"I want Starbucks, and when you're done making out Nash and Rynn, we can leave to get some." Carter yelled at us and we all laughed.

Nash set me down and we all headed to the best place on the Earth.



So I'll let you guys in on a secret; all the guys have a crush on Rynn. Except Alx. That'd just be weird. O.o




- Sydney

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