Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


I woke up, snuggled into Hayes and Nash, both of their arms wrapped around my waist. I sighed, sitting up and stretching my arm out. Getting up, I glanced back at the two and grinned evilly. I snatched my phone off the floor, where I had left it yesterday.

Opening vine, I recorded Nash and Hayes holding each other while sleeping. I turned the camera to me and I laughed.

"Love you Nash and Hayes. You guys looked so peaceful. And priceless." I laughed and downloaded the vid. Immediately I got comments from my 1 million followers.

Nash yawned and pushed Hayes out of bed, who landed on the floor with a yelp and a thump. I laughed at Nash's expression as he watched the vid on Vine.

"OH MY GOD RYNN!!" He squealed, heaving me over his shoulder and tickling me. I laughed, clutching my aching sides, as I watched, through tearing eyes, Hayes pick up the phone and watch my Vine. He scrolled through the comments that were pouring in.

"They think I'm sexy." Hayes smirked, reading all the comments. Nash threw me onto his bed, laying next to me and tangling our fingers together. I grinned, happy to be friends with such great guys. I got off his bed, and headed to the balcony.

"I need to go." Hayes gave a little wave and Nash trailed after me like a lost puppy. I started to climb over the rail, but he yanked me back, hugging me tightly.

"Y'all forgot somethin." He grinned as I gave our little 'tradition', a kiss. I pecked him on the lips lightly and then shoved him away, laughing. I crawled back into my room and grabbed my car keys and my wallet.

Heading downstairs, I slipped into my moccasins and opened the front door. My mom was probably still asleep, as with my little brother, so I tried to make as little noise as I could.

"Come on! I'm not waiting forever!" I cried at the Grier's house, waiting by my silver Lexus LF-Gh Hybrid Concept. Let's say I've got some money in my pockets.

Nash ran out the front door, trying to slip into a blue t shirt. Hayes followed after, stumbling into a pair of sneakers.

God I love these guys.

I climbed into the driver's seat, shoving the key into the ignition and rolling down the windows. My perfume filled the small space, and Nash and Hayes sucked in a deep breath, enjoying every second of being in my car.

I laughed and pulled out of my drive way, putting my wide lensed sunglasses on. Hayes whistled and Nash punched his shoulder.

"She's mine! Looking good as always, Rynn." Nash said from the back seat. I shook my head; I didn't even change from last night/3 in the morning. Hayes pulled his phone out of his pocket and started recording something for vine.

"Impersonate a little boy who wants an M rated video game but his mother won't buy."

"MOM! It's just a few guns and knives! Not that big of a deal." I cried in a squeaky voice. Nash cracked up and I turned my radio on, grinning. We all sang along in loud obnoxious voices to 'Fine By Me' by Andy Grammer.


We pulled up into the Starbucks parking lot and filed into the coffee place, inhaling the sweet smell of caffine. I smiled and got in line to order.

"One double chocolates chip frap please." I smiled at the guy behind the counter, then paid for my drink. I walked back to the booth Hayes was sitting in.

"So wassup little bro?"

"Nothing, life hasn't been exciting for me yet."

"Well, we do have that Magcon tour coming up." I said nonchalantly, like it was no big deal. This was the first year I would go. I was thrilled.

"Oh yeah! I heard you were coming!"

"Yeah! I can't wait!" I laughed, Nash walking up with the drinks in our hands.

"Can wait for the meet and greet." Nash grinned, making us laugh. We chatted until the devil walked up in her ridiculous pink silhouettes. Our smiles fell from our faces and were replaced with grimaces as her perfume thickened the air, making it hard to breath.

"Hello Chole. Always nice to see you." Nash put on a fake smile as he looked up to the blonde. She always wears clothing that hardly covers her huge boobs, and I'm positive she got a boob job.

She wore short skirts and can always be found making out with SOMEONE in the hallways. Guys like grabbing her ass, but they're only gripping a handful of imagination. Lol.

"Hey Nash. Wanna go somewhere? Away from these-" she glared at me and Hayes, "-freaks?"

"Well, I happen to love these freaks. Especially that one." He said, pointing at me, and no longer trying to be nice.

It was undeniable that Chole wanted Nash, and that I wanted to barf at the thought. He will never be interested in her. Yuck.

"Get lost. May the power of Christ repel you." I snarled, holding up my two fingers in the shape of the cross. She rolled her eyes, so I ran my hand along Nash's thigh, trying to display that he was NOT available.

We weren't dating, but we were so close that we could be like, married. Nash smiled dirtily at me and I wanted to laugh. Chole huffed and sashayed away.

"Good, she's gone." We all laughed.

"Why does she keep trying? I mean, you are not up for grabs." I laughed. Hayes elbowed Nash and he smiled.

"You're right, I've got you." He snickered, leaning over and kissing my forehead. Hayes got up and started towards the door. We followed, me fishing my keys out of my pocket.

"C'mon guys, the Macgon tour is close and we should start packing." I nodded my head and walked out to my car.

To be honest, I was terribly nervous.


When I got home, I walked into my closet, rummaging around until I found my suitcase. I pulled it out, and, in a rush, just started yanking stuff off their hangers and throwing them into my bag.

Frantically, I looked through the drawers in my closet until I foud my striped strapless bikini top and matching black bottoms with gold rings in the hips. I LOVED fashionable stuff. I like, live for it.

Panting, I fell back in my bed, shouting 'come in' when there was a soft knock on the door. My little brother, Jeremy, shuffled into the room and jumped on my bed.

"Heya little dude. Talk to me." I said looking up at him. He grinned and I noticed that his two front teeth were missing.

"Whoa!! Your teeth are missing!" I cried, picking him up and spinning him around. His squeaky little laugh rang through the air. This made me smile.

My little brother was 5, and had shaggy brown hair that was usually gelled up into a quiff. My love for fashion rubbed off onto him and he cares what he looked like, which I loved.

"Are you going to that Macaroni tour?"

"It's Magcon, by the way." I laughed and he covered his face with his hands.

"When do you leave? Where are you going? When do you come back?" I was blown back with all his questions. I smiled down at him and filled Jeremy in.

"I leave in two weeks, I'm going to Cali, and I'm coming back after a...week. I think."

"Oh." He said then ran out of my room. Strange child. I grabbed my iPhone 5, and sent Nash a text.

'Cant wait to meet your buddies in Cali!'

'Two weeks! Although they don't think I know you.' He responded under a second.

'We'll have to prove them wrong then.'

This will be fun.


So guys, it okay? No? Okay.😉

Comment and vote! It gives me inspiration and motivation!

- Sydney

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