Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


We played a few more challenges and then took pictures with fans. A couple girls told me to back off Taylor and Nash but I ignored them. They were irrelevant.

The boys and I were now all sitting in the lobby just sipping the coffee they have out for free. We were chatting and laughing. I looked down at my phone and went on Instagram. I liked some of the photos I was tagged in that I took with fans.

Carter pulled out his phone, aiming it us. I didn't know what he was doing still he started to chant.

"DO IT FOR THE VINE." He screamed, but I sat there with a bored face. I waited a second before giving him my response.

"I am not doing anything for the fucking vine." I said nonchalantly. Carter cracked up and everyone else who was watching, joined in.

The six seconds ended and he uploaded the video to Vine, tagging me in it. I got the notification, but I ignored it.

"I'm going to head back and make a YouTube video. I haven't done one in a while!" I laughed, walking across the lobby, when Shawn called out to me.

"Hey, would you do a cover with me?" He asked bashfully.

"Of course!! That's like one of my dreams!" My eyes went wide and I jumped up and down. He laughed and took my hand, running to the elevator.

Once back in our room, I set up my camera and got two chairs. Then I went into the bathroom, doing my hair and fixing my makeup.

"Hi guys! It's me, Rynn. I'm sorry for not making a video for a while, but here with me to make it up is...!" I said, after turning on my camera and sitting back down. I looked over at Shawn and he smiled.

"Shawn Mendes!" He finished my intro, then imitated the sound of a roaring crowd. I laughed and continued.

"We are going to be singing Am I Wrong by Nico and Vinz, Fall by Justin Bieber, and..."

"A Little Too Not Over You by David Archuleta." Shawn cut in. I smiled at him and laughed.

"Jesus, that's an old one!" He nodded and laughed with me. Shawn picked up his guitar and started to strum, humming to our first song.

When we were done, I went through my video, cutting and editing, then uploaded it to my channel. Views and comments came streaming in and I felt proud.

"Thanks Shawn for singing with me."

"No problem! After you preformed at the Magcon meeting I had to sing with you." He blushed and looked at his feet. I got up from my chair and hugged him.

He seemed a little taken back, but he hugged me back, inhaling the scent of my hair.

"You smell REALLY good." He mumbled and I laughed.

"Thanks I guess. Now come on, the boys said they wanted to go to Chili's for dinner." I took his hand and ran out of the room and to the elevator. We met up with the rest of them and went to get food.


"Since the mall is seriously across the street...can we go? Please?" I begged, tugging on Cam's arm. He looked out the window of Chili's and laughed.

"Sure. I don't see the big deal." He shrugged his shoulders and Matt joined us by the window.

"Where are you going?"

"The mall."

"Can I come?"

"No Matt, you aren't cool enough for us. You're lame and it's a shame you can't hang with us." Cam said, flipping his imaginary hair. I laughed and shook my head

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