Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


I rolled over and looked straight into a set of two bright orbs. I smiled and let out a sigh.

"Mmm, good morning baby." Nash whispered in a husky voice. I waved, too tied to speak just yet. I think I need some coffee. Nash's hand slid down my stomach and around my waist when I sat up. I stretched my arms and heard my back crack, Nash pulling me back under the covers.

"Babe come back to bed please." He groaned, yanking me on top of him and clutching me to his chest. I shook my head; I needed to stretch since I was so sore from last night. Thinking about last night let me blush.

"I need to do some yoga or go to the gym in the lobby." I muttered, trying to roll off Nash, but he was hugging me close to him. His biceps bulged as he held tighter when I tried to pull away.

"You do yoga?" Nash whispered in to my neck he started to leave butterfly kisses on my neck. My eyes fluttered closed and I breathed out.

"Yes..." I tried to ask why but the words wouldn't leave my mouth. He held my bottom lip lightly between his teeth and started to suck. I melted in his arms.

"It paid off last night." I flushed at his dirty words, and hid my face in his chest.

"Stooop." My squeal was muffled by Nash's laugh. He grabbed my butt with both hands and I gasped, giving him a chance to slip his tongue into my mouth. I suckled his tongue, then jumped out of his arm and slipped back into my bra and thong. Pulling up my black leggings, I struggled to shove my arms down the sleeves of my loose Guns and Roses t-shirt.

"I think I liked you better with nothing on." Nash smirked from the bed, propped up on his elbows. I ignored him, and he whined.

"Talk to me Ry. Just come back to bed." He called to me, but I just shook my head and made sure my hips swayed in the way Nash liked it as I walked to the bathroom.

I took one look at my hair and almost screamed. It was crazy and tangled, no doubt from last night. That thought made me blush. Nash never ceased to amaze me, if you know what I mean.

I brushed and yanked at my hair until it look much more presentable, then went ahead to fix my face while I was at it. When I was done, I opened the bathroom door and almost ran into Nash, who was leaned up against the door frame.

"Hello beautiful." He winked and wiggled his eyebrows. I scoffed and brushed past him.

"I'm going to the lobby for some breakfast. Are you coming?" I grabbed the room key and waited at the door.

"Nah, I'll catch up with you later." He said, shaking his head. Then he headed to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I left the room and pressed the down button on the elevator keypad. The elevator was just about to close when an arm shot through and the doors slowly retreated.

Tay stepped through and stood next to me, his eyes were watching the ceiling and hands crossed at the wrists. He cleared his throat, then looked down at me. He looked like he wanted to say something, but kept to himself. The elevator rumbled when it reached the lobby.

"You're very loud." Tay said just before the doors opened. I groaned and slapped my forehead. Dang, so he did hear.

"Don't tell anyone."

"I won't. And I told you my plan would work." He smiled smugly before strutting out of the elevator. I shuffled out and walked to the cafeteria, ready to chow down on everything they offered. Just as I stepped through the doorway, I was slapped with whipped cream. I stood, shocked, and slowly wiped the cream off my face. My attacker doubled over in laughter.

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