Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


When I woke up, it was 6 a.m., and I felt like I hadn't worked out in forever. I decided to change into a sports bra and shorts, heading to the exercise room.

I turned on a treadmill and started running. Everybody's Got Somebody But Me by Hunter Hayes blasted through my earphones as I ran.

After a 15 minutes of running, I looked up and saw Nash making an ugly face. I screamed, tripping, and slid off the treadmill. I groaned, sitting up.

"Hey Rynn!" Nash said, helping me off the ground.

"F*ck you." I muttered, rubbing my aching back.

"Well, someone's not a morning person."

"I'm not when I fall off a treadmill." He just laughed.

"Well come back up to the rooms, we want to get ready before we go to the meet and greet today."

"Wait what? We have another one?!" I groaned. Nash nodded and started walk away. I turned the treadmill off and jogged after him.

"Another one? Really?"

"Yes. Really, so get ready, this one is starting earlier and ending later." He explained, not bothering to look at me, and walking across the lobby. I followed him, groaning. This is going to get very stressful, but at lest Cali is nice.

"What time does it end?" I asked as Nash pressed the buttons in the elevator. He stood there, thinking for a moment before giving an answer.

"I think at eight... I don't know." He chuckled and it was quiet. The soft, crappy elevator music played in the background but all I could really hear was Nash's eyes roaming my body shamelessly. I suppose he liked what he saw.

"Do you like what you see?" I asked him, noticing how interesting the ceiling was. Out of the corners of my eyes, I noticed him bite his lip, still looking at me up and down. What is with him? All horny and stuff?

"Very much." He admitted, and I scoffed. I felt the blush rising in my cheeks, and I couldn't help that I loved that I had this kind of affect on him.

The door finally opened and I darted out of the elevator, sprinting to my room. Much to my luck, everyone was crowded into the room meant for roughly four. Their heads spun to look at me, and I ran to the dresser, ripping a shirt out and yanking it over me. I didn't need anybody horny right now.

"You always seem half naked when we're in your room." Matt scoffed. I glared at him when Jack G. piped up.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to move to this room!" He smirked, and I slapped the back of his head.

"You know what? I have about 30 minutes until the Magcon meet, so I'm going for a run. I just need to get away." I said, rubbing my temple and grabbing a waterbottle.

"Yeah, away from you douches." Tay remarked, and I choked on the water I was chugging. I heard a few chuckles, but ignored them as I wiped at the water dribbling down my chin. Attractive right.

I started towards the door with my headphones drapped around my neck when Nash walked in, a lip stick stain on his jawline. My eyes bugged out and I turned to Tay, nodding my head at Nash. He grew visibly irritated and called Nash out.

"Hey Nash, got a little something on your face." Tay said snarkily, and Nash rubbed the stain off with two fingers.

His eye grew wide when he saw his fingers, covered in red lipstick. My head hung, and Nash's eyes darted to me. He looked like he was going say something, but I interrupted him.

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