Chapter 8

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Chapter 8



What am I doing? I've never acted this way before. I would never walk into a room of a bunch of horny teenage boys naked. And I've been so mean to Nash.

I need to apologize, and fix my attitude.

After slipping into a big t-shirt that I stole from Nash and never gave back, and sweatpants, I went to find Nash. He had left when I was picking out my clothes, probably to give me privacy or to get away from me.

"Nash? Nash!" I called into the corridor, shuffling out the door in my comfiest slippers.

I found him sitting in the lobby with a styrofoam cup which I assumed was filled with coffee, as he stared off into space.

I pulled out the chair in front of him, and the squeak of the steel chair against the tile floor shook him from his trance.

"Hey." I said. I crossed my arms and leaned up against the table. He stared at me blankly.

I gave a little wave and a smile hinted at his mouth.

"I'm, uh, looking for my best friend. He has brown hair with a few blonde highlights and amazing blue eyes. Have you seen him? I need to apologize." I gave a weak smile, trying to lighten the mood. It worked.

Nash grabbed my hand and rubbed circles on the back. He sighed deeply, looking into my eyes, his face softening and relaxing.

"I want to apologize for the way that I have been acting. I've been a real douche and I want to make it up to you."

"I need to apologize. I've been acting like a real dick, haven't I?"

"A bit, but you are what you eat, right?"

"Rude!" He gasped.

"I love you, but you walked right into that one." I shrugged, and we both laughed. I stood up, my cold chair, which was just turning warm, sliding backwards with a loud groan. More seriously I added.

"But really, I am sorry for acting this way." Nash looked up up at me, then he leaped up and pulled me into a big hug. I breathed in his scent and relaxed in his arms.

It's nice to have my best friend back.


"Hurry up! I want to get back to our room! My phone might die!" I yanked in his arm, trying to pull him to our room.

Nash laughed at my struggle, and I leaned back, yanking even harder on his wrists. He took a step forwards, and I toppled backwards.

I braced myself for the rough carpet, but I was dangling from Nash's arms, wrapped tightly around my lower back and waist.

I smiled up at him, just realizing how close our faces were. I sighed deeply, and I could smell the faint hint of vanilla and pine, Nash's signature scent.

I wanted to hold this position, but gravity, time, and my weight aren't the nicest things. I coughed, standing back up.

"Uh, thanks." I mumbled, and he rubbed the back of his neck. The rest of the walk back to the room was silent. I gave The Lord a thanks when I unlocked the door and the guys were playing a game, an opportunity to forget what just happened.

"Hey! Rynn!" Shawn called happily. Everyone else looked up and their faces brightened.

"Love you guys too." Nash scoffed, making us laugh.

"We love you Nash, but we love Rynn more." JC said winking at me. I blew him a kiss and he clasped his hands to his heart, earning a few laughs.

"I want a kiss!" Cam cried.

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