Chapter 10

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"Mommy, mommy, wake up." Y/N woke up to Yunseo by her side.

"You're already awake, Yunseo-yah?" Y/N rubbed her eyes and placed him on the couch next to her. "Did your sister wake up?"

"Yes." He nodded.

"Yewon-ah?" Y/N raised her voice a bit but didn't yell since Jihyo is probably still sleeping.

"I'm here." Yewon came out of the kitchen. "I'm hungry."

"Alright, let me just wash up and I'll make you breakfast okay? How about you two go wake up your mom in the meanwhile?" Y/N suggested to her kids and they immediately ran to their parents' bedroom to wake up Jihyo.

"Mommy, wake up! We're going to have breakfast!" Yewon yelled as she started to jump on the bed and so did Yunseo. Jihyo's ears felt like bleeding because of the sudden loud noise. She woke up to a bad headache and immediately regretted drinking so much last night.

"Okay, okay, I'm awake. Please stop yelling." Jihyo demanded as she held her head. 

"Mom told us to wake you up." Yewon informed. "She's going to make breakfast."

"Fine, come with me so I can change your clothes." Jihyo told her kids. She changed their clothes and took a quick shower before getting dressed and joining Y/N and the kids at the table.

"You probably don't feel like eating so here's some medicine for your hangover." Y/N placed it in front of her.

"I'm not having a hangover."

"You surely look like you do."

"Don't you have work today?" The younger woman asked.

"I start at 11, so I have about 40 minutes left until I need to leave." Y/N looked at her watch. "How about you?"

"I'm off today. I'm going back to my previous schedule so I won't be working in the weekends." Since her article got disapproved, she has to go back to her regular schedule.

"Will you be fine to take care of the kids or should I bring them to mom?"

"I'll take them."

"Do you want to tell me what happened yesterday?" Y/N decided to ask her before leaving to work or else she's going to have to wait all day to talk to her wife.

"How much did I tell you last night?"

"Just that it got disapproved." Y/N purposely let out all the other stuff Jihyo said. 

"Yewon-ah, stop bothering your brother please." Jihyo threw her daughter a cold look which made the girl immediately stop. "Just eat your food. Both of you."

"The article got disapproved so I'm not getting promoted." Jihyo answered.

"It's okay, you don't have to be sad about it. I'm sure another opportunity will rise up."

"When? I'm really starting to get tired of all of this. I've been a journalist for five years now yet I'm still being treated like a rookie journalist. The new employees at the company think that I'm one of them when I'm actually their senior. Do you know how humiliating that is?"

"Look your article was great, you did all you could in that short amount of time. They're really not treating you well there, you should just leave and look for another publishing company to work at. They're wasting your talents and I can't just sit and watch anymore." Y/N is sick of seeing Jihyo like this. Jihyo is really talented and a great journalist but the company she works at is pretty much ignoring all of that.

"And go where Y/N? No other company will ever hire me after what happened three years ago. One stupid mistake and I'm still suffering from it three years later. I'm lucky that I didn't even get fired and that they're still willing to have me as their employee." Jihyo sighed.

Our Time Together // Jihyo X ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora