Chapter 40

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"Where were you?" Jihyo asked when Y/N came home.

"I went to visit mom and afterwards I met up with Bona." Y/N always tells the truth about her whereabouts unlike Jihyo. 

"And why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm telling you now."

"You should've told me beforehand that you were going to meet with your ex." Jihyo stated.

"As if you ever tell me what you're doing or what you're going to do. At least I tell you the truth about what I have done instead of just saying I was "at work". Besides she's not my ex." 

"So you're saying I'm lying?" Jihyo chuckled.

"That's exactly what you've been doing for two years straight. Saying you're working when you're actually out drinking at the bar with who knows who."

"That's because you never fucking bothered to ask me how I'm doing."

"I asked you that all the time, don't you dare say otherwise." Y/N approached her.

"I haven't lied to you once ever since we got married and you know that."

"Hiding things from me isn't being 100% truthful either."

"And you're not hiding things from me? You've been hanging out with Bona a lot lately. And to my surprise, I only found out today that she sometimes watches after OUR kids." Yunseo told her that today.

"That's because you never ask where our kids even are. You don't care wether they're with me, with mom, with Chaeyoung or with anyone in general. You only care about yourself."

"I can't believe you really just said that. So what I'm selfish now?!" Jihyo raised her voice.

"I don't want to argue with you today as well. We've been doing this for two weeks straight, I'm sick of it." Y/N attempted to walk away but Jihyo stopped her holding her arm tightly.

"You don't have the right to call me selfish when I gave up everything for you." Jihyo is obviously mad right now since her grip is very tight on Y/N's wrist. "I fucking lost everyone so I could be with you, I fucking got bullied at work because I married you. I gave up my whole life to be with you and now you're calling me selfish?"

"You're hurting me." Y/N looked down on her wrist.

"Answer me!" 

"The kids are going to hear this and it's going to affect them. Let's talk about this another time."

"No, there's no other time. We're going to talk about this right now."

"Just let go of me, won't you?" Y/N pushed Jihyo lightly so she could free herself from her grip. "My answer is yes. Yes you're selfish. You weren't like this when we were dating, you weren't like this when we got married and you weren't like this three years ago either but now... now you're selfish as fuck, Jihyo!" Y/N yelled and the kids are obviously hearing everything they're saying since they're both yelling and it's still 7pm. 

"They're fighting again." Yunseo told his sister. They were both gaming in Yewon's room until all the yelling started.

"Just ignore them."

"I hate that they're fighting. It makes me sad. i don't want them to break up, noona."

"I don't want that either." Yewon sighed.

"Can't we do something?"

"I think we need to let them figure it out theirselves."

"I really hate this." Yunseo's tears started to fall.

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