Chapter 19

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About an hour has passed and Y/N and Jihyo are still at the police station. Y/N is really worried right now. From what Jihyo has told her, Jihyo was the one that hit her first. The police won't care about all the hurtful things that the woman has said to Yewon and Jihyo, they're just going to look at the footage and decide that Jihyo assaulted her.

"We're going to need a lawyer." Y/N stated. None of them ever got into trouble before so they never needed a lawyer. Y/N doesn't even know who she could call to become their lawyer.

"Is that really needed? I just hit her in the face. I doubt she's badly injured, we'll probably get away with a fine. Don't worry so much." Jihyo doesn't think that it'll be that big of a deal.

"Jihyo-yah, they said she has a broken nose. It's physical damage. If she sues you everything could escalate real quick. We need a lawyer just in case."

"Okay but who? Lawyers are crazy expensive, we can't afford that and you know that."

"I could call the lawyer that I had to work with once when the company was facing some problems with the law. We got along well and she said that she could help me out anytime. I could just ask if she could come and see what consequences we're facing." Y/N remembered.

"You could do that." Jihyo agreed and Y/N called the lawyer. Luckily the lawyer is free right now and said that she could come to the police station. Y/N was very nice to her when they had to work together so the lawyer would be more than happy to help her out. After about half an hour, the lawyer came.

"Hi, Tzuyu-ssi. Thank you for coming." Y/N smiled and bowed lightly which Tzuyu returned.

"No problem at all. What happened?" She asked and Y/N and Jihyo told her what happened.

"They still don't have the footage?" Tzuyu furrowed her eyebrows.

"They said they would inform us once they have it but they didn't say anything yet." Y/N answered and right at that moment the officer approached them.

"Well, we got the footage and ti's clear you were the one that hit her first. There are also witnesses that claim that they saw you start the fight."

"She didn't leave me a choice but to hit her. I already explained it to you, she's trying to make my five year old's life a living hell at school! Besides she also hurt me." Jihyo couldn't get more angrier right now. She didn't do anything wrong, why should only she deal with the consequences?

"Your damage is nothing compared to hers. You just have a few bruises, her nose is broken. And I have bad news. She's planning to sue you."

"Sue me?? After all she's done?" Jihyo laughed out of frustration. She can't believe this.

"What does this mean?" Y/N asked Tzuyu.

"This means that you're going to have to pay the damage to compensate for the broken nose."

"How much do you think we're going to have to pay?"

"Well it depends on how bad the injury is. It could be two grand but could also be 25 grand. In very bad situations it could lead to one year prison, but I don't think that'll be the case here." Tzuyu informed and both Y/N and Jihyo stood there in shock. Two thousand dollars would be fine. They could pay that and if it means that they'll get out of this then they'll do it, but 25 thousand dollars?? No way they can pay that. And let's not mention the one year jail time. Jihyo couldn't possibly go to jail just for breaking that woman's nose. No way they can let that happen.

"You can leave for now. But since you got sued, we'll see you here most probably again." The officer stated as he unlocked Jihyo's handcuffs and left afterwards.

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