Chapter 7

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Hey, guys. I know I haven't updated in a while. I've been really busy between school and I just moved and I didn't have my laptop cuz it's busted. I'm using my school laptop right now. Plus I've also been working on other stories. Most of them are up, but not completed. I'm also working on another one right now, and my best friend is getting antsy about that every time I don't email him a part of the story. But I'm trying my best to keep up. I'm falling a ton behind in school, so don't expect any updates on any story from me right now. I try to when I can, which isn't really that often. So, for now, I'll shut up and let y'all read. Here's chapter 7. Enjoy. :)


I woke up earlier than the rest of the girls. When I went to the bathroom, my hands and feet were covered in snake scales. I looked in the mirror. My eyes were like a snake's: dark and cold. I had patches of scales on my face.

"Magggggg!" the hissing echoed in my head. "Magggggg!"

I turned around to see a light brown king cobra. It wasn't moving, and neither was I. I felt petrified, more than I thought possible. It turned it's head in curiosity.

Damn snake, I thought.

"Magggggg," it hissed.

"Hello," I gulped.

The snake coiled, and its head moved towards the door. It looked back at me as if it expected me to follow. It slowly slithered out the door. I followed the snake outside. I followed the snake until it stopped in the middle of nowhere.

The sun was barely up. It was a little breezy out, and all I had on was a tank top and shorts. The snake and I just stared at each other. It felt so weird, and yet it felt normal.

"So, why'd you bring me out here?" she snaked looked at me. "You had to have brought me here for something."

It looked to my left. I started walking towards a ditch. In the ditch was a ton of olive green and black king cobras. I looked back at the light brown snake. It started moving towards the ditch.

It flipped out a huge book from the ditch. I picked it up, and started flipping through it. I flipped through the whole book, but I still didn't understand why it brought me here.

"What's this?" I held up the book.

The brown snake took the book from my hands, and used its tail to turn the pages. It was the weirdest thing I've ever seen. It was freaking me out. The snake stopped flipping through, and passed the book back to me. I saw a marking next to a paragraph.

"The light brown king cobra venom contains a special venom that allows a human into a half-snake," I read from the book. "So, I'm gonna turn into a half-snake?" the snaked nodded.

I looked at my arms and legs. They were becoming more scaly by the minute. All my scales were turning green and yellow. It wasn't painful, but I could feel some of it. It felt so weird.

I looked over at the sun. It was completely up. I had a feeling the girls were up, and wondering where I was. I looked back at the snakes. One of the black snakes nodded its head at the brown one.

The snake started slithering away from the ditch. The same black snake nodded at me. I followed the brown king cobra back to town. The town was quite busy. I looked at the clock on the bell tower. I had fifteen minutes to get to school.

I quickly ran to Hazel and Chelsea's house. I got there right before they left the house.

"Where've you been?" Sky asked.

"Went for a run," I said casually.

"Across town?" Hazel raised an eyebrow.

"I stopped for something to eat."

"Yeah. Go get dressed. We're gonna be later," Chelsea told me.

I ran upstairs, almost tripping on the way up. I rummaged through the bags until I found my purple skinny jeans and a black T-shirt. I threw those on with my black cowboy boots and ran back downstairs. I ran my fingers through my hair as I ran out the door. I popped a piece of gum in my mouth when I got in the car.


So yea. That was chapter 7. I'll try to update again as soon as I can, but I can't make any promises. Also check out my other stories and follow my Tumblr. Vote, comment, follow. Also tell me what you would like to happen. Okay? Okay.

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