Chapter 15

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Hey peoples. Don't kill me. I finally got over my writer's block on this story. And I'll be posting a new story soon called Period of Adjustment. Check it out once it goes up.
After the movie, Ryan went home. He put on Texas Chainsaw Massacre because he knew how much that movie scared me. He laughed every time I jumped. His laughing fits earned him several punches in the stomach and two bowls of popcorn on his head. Most of the butter ended up on me though.

Asher came over a few minutes after Ryan left. He saw popcorn on the floor and couch, and automatically assumed something happened. I told him all we did was watch a movie.

"That still doesn't explain how the popcorn ended up on the floor," he said as we walked into my room.

"That movie scares me. I poured it on his head."

"But you're covered in butter," he pointed out.

"The leftover butter from the bowl and he hugged me."

"Ah. You need a shower. Your hair's gonna be greasy from butter if you don't wash it."

"I know. Wait downstairs. I don't need you in here when I get changed."

After I was done washing my hair several times and getting dressed, I went back downstairs to find Asher half asleep on the couch. When he used to stay over, Jaylin and I would pick on him all the time. One time she shaved half his hair off. You'd think he's learn to stay awake the first time we pranked him while he was asleep.

"Asher!" I shook him awake.

"Huh? What?" He fell off the couch, and I started laughing. "Mag! What did you do that for?"

"Hey, just be glad you didn't get your head shaved again."

"Point taken. Although I do sometimes like the way Jaylin does my hair."

"You're such a boy," I helped him up. "You better get to bed. Otherwise I'm gonna shave your head."

"Okay. Night, Mag," he laid back down on the couch.

"Night, Ash," I went upstairs to my room.

I wasn't asleep for very long before I was woken up. There was a couple snakes laying coiled up at the foot of my bed. It's not really pleasant to have a couple snakes in your bed while you're trying to sleep. At three in the morning no less. I sat up, and glared at the reptiles resting at my feet.

"Seriously? It's the middle of the night!" I complained.

None of them moved. They all just laid in their coils. I was surprised the light brown one wasn't in sight. It was a good thing too because I didn't feel like dealing with it. It followed me around more than I wanted, and it was nice to have a break from it. But I guess I spoke too soon.

"Really, dude?"

"What's wrong?"

He tilted his head at me as if he didn't understand a word I said. I wanted one night without him. In fact, I wanted my whole school break without him. I wanted my whole break without any of them. I wanted to spend my break with my boyfriend and friends. Is that too much to ask?!

"Never mind. Don't answer that. I want my whole break from school without any of you. I don't care if I need y'all around for the time being. I don't want y'all around until Monday. I am getting this weekend to myself whether y'all like it or not. So I want all of you out of my room right now, and I better not see you until Monday at school!" I yelled. "As if I do, I will shoot all of you with a twelve-gauge shotgun! Get it!" they all nodded. "Good. Now go."

I blew out a sigh of relief as I watched them all slither away. Now I could have some time with my friends, and finally get to act like a normal sixteen-year-old girl for a change. I don't care what happens with this stupid transformation. At least I'll be away from my scaly stalker.

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