Chapter 17

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After the bell rang to go to lunch, everybody rushed into the hall. Instead of rushing into the cafeteria, the entire student body rushed outside to the commons where the seniors eat lunch. A couple of the jocks were moving the benches around, and everybody was crowding together in a circle. It was a sure signs fight was breaking out. That only happened about half a dozen times a month. Nine ties out of ten, Sky was standing usually part of it.

A lot of kids at school had a small issue with Skye. What the main issue was, no one really knew. No matter how many fights she was part of, she never got more than a detention. I think it had to do with she never threw the first punch, so it was an act of self defense. For someone that lets the amount of bleach on her head go to her brain, she's pretty smart.

"I wonder who pissed Sky off this time," Hazel commented.

"Who doesn't piss Sky off?" She nodded her head in agreement
"It was probably the head cheerleader. Sky's been having a lot of problems with her lately," Jaylin told us after finally catching up to us.

"Everybody has problems with Sky when they have no reason to. She's a sweetheart. If anybody should have a problem with anybody in this school, it would be the head cheerleader because everybody knows Julia Stark is a grade A bitch," Chelsea jumped in.

"Remember, Chels, Sky has a wicked temper. One wrong move, and your ass is grass. Everybody knows that, and they still continue to fuck with her," Hazel reminded her twin.

"At leader no one's screwing with Mag. They'd probably get bit and die before the bell even rings," Jaylin pointed out.

"Jaylin! Don't announce that! The entire student body does not need to know I have a snake following me around everywhere I go do you know how fast they would throw me in the nuthouse? Or jail if I used it as a threat?"

Sometimes my friends like to use the fact that a snake follows me around against me, or they think I can somehow use it to gain power of the entire student body. I just think they're all delusional, and I'll get hawked off to the looney bin if anybody finds out. Or I'll be told to keep my pets at home.

"Thankfully, I haven't been told to leave my pets at home in a while. Though it is kinda funny to see the homecoming queen climb on top of a desk to get away from them. The whole cheer squad practically had a nervous break down when she didn't show up for practice."

"Can we talk about this later, and go support Sky?" Chelsea asked.

"Don't we always?" I asked.

By the time we were able to push to the front of the crowd, everybody was egging on the fight. Both Sky and Julia came from opposite directions. As predicted, Julia threw the first punch, and completely missed Sky's head. Though it was kinda funny to see her stumble, and fall flat in her face. Everybody knows you don't wear high heels during a fight.

"Come in, Stark. You throw a punch like a little girl," Sky told her.

"That's not fair. I'm wearing heels," Julia complained.

"Well then take them off, and try again."

She did exactly that, and still completely missed. At that point, Julia has Sky by the hair. Everybody knew she couldn't fight, but she continued to make people think she could. But there were whispers behind her back that could only throw a bitch fight, which was true. Hair pulling was only for bitches.

"Ha ha ha. I told you you couldn't fight. Hair pulling only happens during bitch fights," Sky laughed.

Sky's comment caused Julia to pull harder. Sky pulled away from Julia's death grip, and she started screaming she broke her nail, and she was holding a bloody clump of Sky's hair. Julia started screaming bloody murder when she realized she ripped out Sky's hair. As if on cue, the principal appeared, and broke up the fight.

"What is going on here?!" Principal Freeman demanded.

"Julia tried to punch Sky, and fell. She took her heels off, and tried to punch her again. She had Sky by her hair, and pulled out a nice chunk of it, and started complaining about her broken nail. Then she started screaming when she noticed the clump of hair she pulled out of Sky's head had blood in it," Jaylin explained.

"Come here, Sky," he examined the bloody spot on Sky's head. "You need to go to the nurse. Julia, my office now. You're suspended, and you're off the cheer squad."

"But that's not fair," Julia started complaining.

"You should've thought about that before you started pulling Sky's hair. Office.  Now."

"But, but-"

"No buts. My office right now."

Julia grabbed her shoes, and stomped off. Principal Freeman had Jay escort Sky to the nurse. He told everybody to go into the building before he started handing out sententious, and everybody started rushing towards the doors. He looked at me and the twins.

"It's a good thing you three were here to support your friend. Otherwise Julia would've made it seem like Sky was hurting her, even with all these witnesses. It's about time someone did that. I know I shouldn't say this about a student, but she's a raging bitch. She deserved what she got."

"Wow, Principal Freeman. I never knew you could be so cold," Chelsea told him.

"Well, when it comes down to it, even the athletes at this school need to be seriously disproved. Even if they do bring in money," he turned and headed to his office.

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