Chapter 8

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I didn't have much to do for shop. My instructor just had to do a couple oil changes and inspections. There are times she lets me bring my car in so I can work on it. I spent lunch in the locker room because I needed a shower. All throughout my other classes, I kept looking at my hands and arms, where the scales were.

When the final bell rang, I bolted from my seat. I had work right after school. I went back down to shop, so I could go to her house. I'm her best student because I'm the only girl, but I work twice as hard as the boys.

When I first started, all the boys said I shouldn't be in the shop because I'm a girl. Then the teacher walked into the theory room, and said girls can do anything boys can do. Ever since then, they've been complaining about getting more girls in the shop. That's how I met Ryan. I was doing an oil change when he walked up to me, and said that it's cool that I'm into cars.

We've been together ever since. We didn't meet until February because that was when he moved here. He didn't know I was a girl until I spoke because I had my hair hidden under my hat. We started talking about it, and he just asked me out. He said he likes girls like me.

"Hey, kid," she said.

"Hey, Mrs. Carrol."

"I heard Saturday was your birthday."

"Yeah. I'm sixteen now."

"You're getting your permit?"

"Yeah. After school on Thursday."

"I have a present for you," she pulled a box from behind her desk. "Happy birthday, Mag."

I took the box from her and unwrapped it. In the box was a model car. Mrs. Carrol knew I loved to put together model cars. She said putting model cars together used to help her with real cars.

"Wow. A Chevelle. Thank you."

"I have another surprise," she pulled a blue T-shirt from her bag. "Here," she handed me the shirt.

"'Yes, I am a girl in AST,'" I read. "I love it. Thanks."

"You are my favorite student, Mag. Come on. You're gonna be later for work."

"Okay," I threw the shirt on over my T-shirt.

When I got to work, my boss had two oil changes, brakelines and inspection for me. I did the oil changes and inspection first because they take the least amount of time. Mrs. Carrol taught me how to do an oil change after three days in shop. All the boys were still doing book work. When I passed that, she taught me how to fix brakelines.

I finished my work a half hour before I got off work. Mrs. Carrol said I could get something out of the breakroom because nobody had anything else for me to do. I sat down at the table, and started to do my homework. It didn't take long for me to get distracted.

"Hey. What's up?" I said into my phone.

"Hey. Are you at work?" Ryan said back.

"Yeah, but I just finished. Now I'm sitting in the breakroom, doing my homework."

"Ah. Did you eat yet?"

"Just a couple cupcakes after I finished my work."

"You wanna get something to eat after you get off?"

"Sure. I'm almost done though."

"Good. See you at eight."


"I love you."

"Love you too. Bye."

"Bye," I hung up.

I quickly finished my homework then threw it in my bag. I ran into the bathroom to wash my face and hands and fix my hair and make up. I took off my uniform and boots. Luckily, I had my shop shirt on to protect my T-shirt. Otherwise I'd have an oil stain on my shirt.

I put my shirt in my bag and fixed my T-shirt. After I finished, Ryan texted me to let me know he was here. I picked up bag, and started walking towards the door when Mrs. Carrol walked in.

"Where are you going?"

"My shift is over. Ryan's picking me up. He's taking me out to dinner."

"Homework finished?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Go," she smiled.

"Thank you."

I got in the car, and we went to get something to eat. Mrs. Carrol likes Ryan because he's a good kid, and one of the best she's had. When he started, she had my supervise him. She found it's best that we date, so she knows we can get along, and he'll actually listen to me. When she has me supervise the other boys, they don't listen to me.

"How was work?" he asked.


"You have oil on your face," my hand flew to my cheek.

"Oh," he moved my hand.

"Hey. I got it," he wiped it off then kissed me.

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