Chapter 13

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I was up all night, tossing and turning. I was actually considering going with Asher's plan. Ryan surprised me this morning by bringing me lunch. Hazel and Chelsea are working tonight, so Asher's staying at his house until I get off work. Ryan gave him fifty bucks to stay out of my house until eleven.

On the ride to school, Asher was giving me ideas on how to tell Ryan I'm part snake. I didn't like any of them. I decided to go with the original plan. It would be less painful and less disturbing.

After last period, Ryan met me at my locker. I don't have work today because of it being Thanksgiving weekend. Every year, my family goes to California to visit my grandparents. I only stayed behind so I could spend the holiday with Ryan.

"Hey, sweetie," he kissed me.

"Hey. Ready for break?"

"Totally. I get to hang out with my friends and my boyfriend without school or work getting in the way."

"You still coming over for dinner next week?"

"Yeah. I'd rather you than my parents or my friends."

"And you get to have dinner with my family like you wanted to."

Dinner with Ryan's parents came at the wrong time. If this would've been when we were together the first time, or when I got this whole half-snake thing under control. So I have to learn how to get this under control before dinner, and it won't be easy.

"Terrific," I shut my locker.

"So, I'm gonna go home, get something I got for you then I'll be over."

"Okay," I kissed him. "I'll see you later."

"Okay. Bye."

"Bye," he walked to his locker.

I have to stay after school for a bit, so I can help my shop teacher with one of the cars. One of the boys screwed up the brakelines, so I have to help fix it. She said she doesn't trust any of the afternoon boys to fix it because they can't take it seriously. My boyfriend is in my shop, and I don't fool around.

"Hey, Lizzie."

"Hey, Mag."

"How bad did Mac screw up the lines?"

"He put the lift on them then decided to cut them."

"Well, Mac's an idiot. He don't know his wrist from a book," we laughed.

"Oh, Mag. You truly are my favorite student."

"I know," I changed into my shop clothes.

"Go pick a song, and we'll get started."

"Okay," I walked over to the laptop, and put on Come Undone by My Darkest Days.

Whenever my teacher and I work together on a car, she lets me put music. I pick a song, and put it on repeat. I can do that during shop too if I think the boys are being good and they deserve it. Usually they don't because they're too noisy in the morning, and they complained about the songs I pick.

"So, are you going to California this year, or are you staying with Ryan?"

"I'm staying with Ryan. I've never had dinner with his parents and I really want to. My parents allowed it as long as I don't throw crazy parties and I go to work and I take care of the snakes."

"I keep forgetting you live on a snake farm. How many venomous snakes did you get bit by?"

"Just one."

"Just one? With thirty-plus venomous snakes?"

"Yeah. If I saw a rattler or a copperhead, I'd call my dad to come get it. They did that up until I was thirteen then they taught me how to handle them because of how many times I called."

"And you only got bit by one?"

"Yeah, and it wasn't even ours."

"Who's was it? Or was it just a random everyday snake?"

"Random everyday snake. It was weird because it just showed up, and it's not even native to this area."

"What kind of snake was it?"

"King cobra."

"Oh. That's weird."

"Yeah, it is."

A lot of people are surprised when I tel them how many venomous snakes I got bit by. Everybody expects more because of how many venomous snakes we have. The only reason why I didn't get bitten is because I'm smart and careful when it comes to to handling them.

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