Chapter 12

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A couple weeks later, I was still getting used to being half-snake. I started acting more like a snake than a human. I started eating some of the leftover snake food from the farm. I noticed my eyes changing whenever I was angry or scared. I usually noticed it happening when I'm in my afternoon classes.

My relationship with Ryan is stronger than it was the last time we were together. I still haven't told him that I'm part snake yet, and I'm really afraid to. Every time I think about telling him, my eyes start to change. The only reason why he hasn't noticed it is because I run out of the room every time I feel it. Yes, I feel it.

"When are you gonna tell him?" Asher shook me.

"I don't know, Asher. Now, please, let me go," he let go.

"I have an idea!" he jumped up and down.

"Oh, my god. I'm scared," we walked out.

"No. It's a good plan."

"What is it?"

"Are you still covered in scales?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Invite him over sometime before you lose them all. Let it be a day your parents aren't home. Let him see the scales. Wear, like, a tank top or something so he can see them."

"It's not a bad idea, but it's not a good one either."

"We'll think of something. We always do."


When we got back to my house, my parents weren't home. They went to go visit my grandparents in California for a couple weeks. Asher went outside while I got us a couple drinks. Every time my parents leave me home alone for long periods of time, Asher stays here. I don't know why, but he does.

"Hey. Your parents aren't home," he pointed out.

"And?" I handed him a soda.

"Slumber party!" he sang.

"Ash, you're having a gay moment."

"I know. You love my gay moments though."

"I do," he threw his arms around me.

Asher came out as gay during sixth grade. He told me in fourth grade that he was bi. He said it wasn't until fifth grade that he realized he was gay. He said he's never gonna tell his dad because he doesn't approve of any of his kids being bi or gay. He told his mom, and she promised to keep it a secret.

"I love staying at your house while your parents are away."

"Why do you always stay here while they're gone, but never when they're here?"

"I don't want them seeing that I'm gay and my dad finding out."

"Ash, my parents already know you're gay. They've known for years, and they never said anything."

"How'd they find out?"

"They assumed and asked me. I confirmed, and they never told."

"Okay," he took a sip of his soda. "Are the girls coming over tonight?"

"Hazel and Chelsea are. Sky and Jaylin are coming over Tuesday."

"Yay!" he clapped his hands. "Manicures and pedicures!"

"Ash, your ADHD is showing."

"Where?" he looked around.

I never understood why he was my best friend. When we were in middle school, it helped a lot because of how weird he was. He kinda picked out my outfits and he still does. He also goes shopping with me, and comes with me when I get my hair done.

"Wow, Asher," I rolled my eyes.

"What time are the twins coming over?"

"After Hazel's done work. She gets off at seven."

"Then we can do pedicures and watch movies and have a pillow fight!" he yelled.

"You need to calm down," I picked up his soda.

"No!" he dropped to his knees.

There are times I found Asher extremely disturbing and freaky to watch. This is one of those times I find him disturbing. Whenever he slept over, he was more hyper than he was when he didn't.

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