Chapter 11

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At lunch, I met up with Asher. Ryan left halfway through shop for a doctor's appointment. Chelsea slept through the whole freak-out this morning. It's amazing that I was yelling and screaming as loud as I was, and didn't wake her up. I threw a hoodie on over my long sleeve, so no one would notice my scales.

"So, why are you wearing that hoodie? It's September, and we live in Arizona. How are you not sweating your ass off?" Asher asked as we sat down under the tree on the hill.

"Let's just say when you live on a snake farm, you start to look like one.'

"What?" I unzipped my hoodie to reveal some of my scales.

"I'm part snake," I zipped my hoodie back up.

"Whoa. That's freaky. Doesn't it hurt?"

"No, not really. I woke up yesterday, covered in patches of scales. I woke up this morning fully covered from head to toe."

"Weird. What else was different?"

"My eyes and tongue," I stuck out my tongue.

"Whoa. Now that's cool."

"That's besides the point. I need your advice."

"For what?"

"I need to tell Ryan about the whole situation."

"How did he react when he found out you live on a snake farm?"

"He made friends with the bermes. He loves the farm. He said if we ever get married, he wants to live on a snake farm."

"What did Hazel say when she saw you this morning?"

"She screamed."

So far today, I told five people that I'm part snake. Out of all the reactions, I only got two good reactions. Those reactions came from Asher and Jaylin. She said it's pretty cool that I'm part snake. Now I can wear snake skin to cover up my real scales.

"Who else did you tell?"

"Jaylin said it's cool, Chelsea looked at me like there's something wrong with me, and Sky threw up."

"Sky has a weak stomach. She throws up at the sight of blood. It's not that hard to predict she would."


"Chelsea always thinks there's something wrong with you just because you live on a snake farm."

""but I don't like living on a snake farm. I want off of it. Why do you think I'm stay at Hazel and Chelsea's house?"

"They said you're seeing a brown snake."

"It was real. Hazel even saw it."

When it was just me and the girls, they kept asking me about it. I already felt like a freak just by changing. I didn't need to feel like more of a freak because my friends were asking about it. I doubt they would believe me if I told them I'm being controlled by a talking king cobra.

"I wanna see it too!" he yelled.

"No. It's weird, and it's a little disturbing."

"How did Hazel react when she saw it?"

"Her eyes bugged and asked if it talked," I chuckled.

"Typical Hazel," he shook his head.

The bell rang to go to fifth period. Asher and I stood up, and walked towards the school. As we walked towards the school, I saw the king cobra. Asher didn't notice it. The snake just looked at me as I walked through the door.

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