Chapter 35

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Hey everybody. So I decided that this will be the last chapter. Just a reminder I start school on Wednesday, so hopefully I will have the epilogue posted before then. Until then, I hope everybody enjoys this chapter. Don't forget to show it some extra love. Love you guys. -Dizzy

I have to vanquish Julia Stark. My enemy is the girl who tried to get my best friend suspended, and her followers are a bunch of snakes that don't consider me their queen when they're supposed to. All this shit is beyond insane.
"Where is Julia now?" I stood up.
"We don't know." Chelsea looked up. "Please tell us you know how to get us out of here."
Realization smacked me in the face. "I forgot the car."
"how the hell do you forget a car?" Hazel asked me.
"When Jay told me Julia put you here, I just ran out the door. I didn't stop to get in the car." They all groaned. "Well, I can either get Ash to bring it out here, or I can just to get it myself."
"No!" They all yelled in unison.
"Do not leave us here!" Skye demanded. "If you leave, and she comes back, we're all screwed."
Skye had an excellent point. Julia was already holding my friends hostage. I'd hate to see what would happen if I left them along again. Seems like texting Ash would be the safer choice.
"Alright. Ash is bringing my car, which thankfully has rope in the trunk. Hopefully, he'll be here soon." They all sighed with relief."Thank god." They all grumbled.
Skye did a souble take with a scared look in her eyes. I could smell her fear. It was like she was radiating with fear. She was supposed to be the only one of us that wasn't afraid of anything. I've never seen her so scared about anything.
I turned around to see Julia standing there. Before she was suspended, she was a perfect bottle blonde with bright blue eyes. Since she transferred, her brown roots grew out and she's no longer blonde, and her rbight blue eyes became a dull grey.
"Mahogany." She crossed her arms.
We just stood there in awkward silence for what felt like forever. What am I supposed to say to my nemisis? "Hi, how ya doing? How would you like to be killed?" Tombutoo prepared me for a fight, not a playdate with someone I don't like. This is not a fight! It's two teenage girls that don't know what to do.
"So you're my nemisis, huh?" I said awkwardly.
"Yep." She looked up and down my person. "So you're the descendent of Shamaran, huh?"
"Yep. What are you supposed to be some genetic snake mutant that was a horrible experiment gone wrong?"
"I'm a descendent of Tahmasp."
"So, you put my friends in a hole because you're a descendent of Tahmasp, who was in love with Shahmaran, which I am the descendent of as a way to get me out here. Why didn't you just break into my house?"
"Call it insurance." She said flatly.
As this whole thing was getting more awkward, I heard the sound of my Chevelle. If Ash had shown up sooner, we wouldn't have had to deal with Julia. But if it came down to it, there's stuff in my car I can hurt her with. Plain and simple.
"Hey, Mag." Ash said as he got of my car. "It's a good thing you taught me how to drive a stick. It makes driving your car so much easier in a situation like this. Oh, hi, Julia. It's a good thing you grew out your natural color. You look terrible as a blonde. Ughh!"
We both looked at him like he was nuts. Only he would care more about Julia's hair color rather than the impending crisis of finding out who my enemy and the fact that our friends are in a hole. I swear he's a flaming at the worst of times.
"Ash, Julia is a descendent of Tahmasp, Shahmaran's lover." I told him.
"Oh! Awkward!" He sang.
"No shit, Sherlock." I said sarcastically.
I noticed Tombutoo slithering out of the open window to the driver's side door. When did he start riding shotgun in my car? I watched Asher pull a wad of rope out of my trunk. Julia and I just looked at each other and shrugged.
I have no idea what I'm supposed to do now. Is she a regular human? Is she half-human, half-snake like me? This is information Tombutoo should've given me! Knowledge like this determines my next move.
Suddenly, I felt something hard hit the right side of my head, and I fell two inches from the hole my friends were in. She really punched me! When she fought Skye, all she did was pull her hair, but she just flat out punches me in the side of my head.
"What the hell was that?!" I yelled.
She couched down over me. "You'd be surprised what you learn at boarding school."
Apparently, she didn't think things through with her stance because I was able to kick her legs out from under her, and she face planted right into my ribs. It hurt like a bitch.
"Get off me, bitch." I pushed her off me.
"You are boney." She groaned.
"I don't see how. I actually eat, unlike you." I rolled my eyes.
Before I knew it, we were surrounded by snakes. I looked up to see dark clouds, and felt strong winds blowing us all around. Tombutoo slithered over to me
"It's time."
Julia tried to get up, but I just pulled her back down. I heard a loud thump, and she slammed her head against the ground. It sounded like it had to hurt. She sat up and shook her head.
"Ow." She stood up.
She picked me up and slammed me into the side of my car. Thankfully, when I landed on my ass, the dent in my door popped right back out. I would've been so pissed if it didn't. It took me forever to rebuild it. I worked so hard on it too.
"You used my head to put a dent in my car!" I stood up and tackled her to the ground.
"What the hell is going on up there?" I heard one of the twins yell.
"Ash, can you get them out of the hole please?" I said as I punched Julia in the face.
"I wouldn't do that. You don't know what the others will do." Tombutoo told Asher.
I grabbed Julia's wrists to keep her from slapping me. I felt my fangs flare in my mouth so I bit her. She let out the most ear piercing scream I ever heard as I injected venom into her blood stream. I don't know the effects of my bites or the time frame it takes to work, but hopefully it does something.
"You bit me!" She shrieked.
"I'm part snake. It's a defense mechanism." I slammed her head against the ground again.
Suddenly, a light bulb went off in my head. Whether Julia was fifty percent or a hundred percent human, she was still human. That meant whateve4r I did to her would either harm her or kill her like any other human. I'm willing to bet I had the one thing any of my past relatives didn't: My extensive knowledge of cars along with perparations for any vehicular problem. I had to get to my car.
I pinned both her wrists to the ground and stood up. I started running before she could pull me back down. Thank god Ash left my trunk open. She started running towards me so I hit over the head with my tire iron and she hit the ground. I went to reach for the antifreeze, but she pulled me back down to the ground.
She ended up dragging me away from the car. Almost as if he knew what I was thinking, Ash tossed me the antifreeze. She jumped on my back when I turned to catch it so I splashed it in her face. Again, she started screaming bloody murder and yelling she couldn't see. Without wasting any time, I pulled her head backby her hair amd poured it down her throat.
It didn't take long for her body to start convulsing and choking on her own vomit. I watched as foam started pouring out of her mouth and her lifeless body hit the ground. As if Julia's body mimicked the rouge snakes, they all burst into thin air along with her body. I looked over at Ash to see him helping our friends out of the hole. I looked at Tombutoo. It was over. I broke my family's curse.

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