Chapter 14

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When I got home, Ryan was sitting on the front steps. He sat in the living room and watched t.v. while I took a shower. For an hour, I was sitting in my room, debating if I should tell Ryan about the whole snake situation. I decided to go with letting him see the scales. I changed into a pair of blue shorts and a white tank top.

"Hey, Ry?" I called down the stairs.

"Yeah?" he called back.

"I need to show you something, and I need you to be honest with me. I need your honest opinion."

"Okay. What do you need to tell me?" I walked downstairs, and he looked at me.

"I'm part snake."

His eyes skimmed my body. I'm so afraid to know what his reaction will be. Just the thought alone made me nervous. It made me afraid to look at him.


"How long have you been like that?"

"A couple months. I started mutating the day after my birthday."

"Wow. My girlfriend's half snake. Cool."

"So, you're okay with this?"

"Yeah. Totally. I love you, and I love snakes. It's the two things I love the most."

"You like having a girlfriend who is now a more of a freak than I originally was?"

"Mag, I don't care that you're a snake. I care about you. So, you're a weird snake thing. It doesn't change how I feel about you," he grabbed my hand.

"Wow. I thought you'd have a major freak out and break up with me."

"Never gonna happen. I love you just the way you are," he kissed me lightly. "I love you, Mag."

"I love you too, Ryan," I kissed him.

Ryan's reaction was a lot better than I thought. I feel like less of a freak since Ryan doesn't care about me being part snake. It'll just be awkward when I change.

"How much different are you now that you're a snake?"

"My eyes change, I have a snake tongue, I'm covered in scales, and I eat snake food."

"So, basically, you're a human snake?"


"Cool except that you eat snake food."

"Not all the time. Just it it's leftover from the farm."

"Ya know, you like pretty damn hot covered in scales."


"Yeah. It makes your skin look cool, and they don't ever look real."

"But they feel it."

Ryan and I went outside to look at the snakes. I pulled a black and brown rattler out of its tank. It kept looking at Ryan like he was food.

"Fang, no. Ryan is not food. He's a friend," Fang suddenly wasn't hungry anymore.

"Whoa. That was cool. Can you talk to snakes now too?"

"I can feel them. It's like I can read their minds. If I tell them to do something, they'll do it. No bad reaction."

"So, I can let him loose, and control whether or not he does anything?"

"Exactly, but I wouldn't recommend it."

"Oh yeah. Venomous."

"Yeah," I took the snake from Ryan.

"Wanna watch a movie?"

"Yeah. You pick a movie, I'll make popcorn."

"Sounds good to me," we went back inside.

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