Chapter 26

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Hey everyone. Happy New Year's Eve, and a happy New Year's to those on the other side of the planet. I hope y'all had an amazing Christmas. I got alcohol and .50 caliber shotglasses from my dad and stepmom. Even better, my baby sister, Jordyn Marie, was welcomed into this world on the 27th at 12:59pm. There's a picture of me holding my 4th and final sibling above or on the side. Ain't she cute?
In honor of the new year, us real people aren't the only one making new year changes. Anyway, chapter 26 is dedicated to wolfgirl123foxy for the little help with my writer's block. Much love. 💖✌🏻
"Come again?" Sky sounded shocked.

"Can you help me dye my hair?" I repeated.

"You want to dye your hair?" She eyeballed the ground.


"Mag, I probably already know this because of recent events, but are you freaking nuts?" I shrugged. "Why?"

"It'll be a new year, new me thing. Since my whole life changed this year, I figured I'd make some other changes too."

I never had any interest in making any changes to my body, at least not permanent ones, unless I really thought about it first in case I changed my mind later. I got my nose and lip pierced purely on impulse because I knew I could always take them out later if I didn't want them anymore. I got my nose pierced when I was fourteen then my lip when I was fifteen, and all three extra holes are still in my face. The only way I'd ever get a tattoo on impulse would be if it was something car related because my whole life revolves around them.  I never wanted to dye my hair because I knew the bleach would completely ruin it, and it'd be hard to get it back to normal again.

"Well, your hair's already black so we'd have to bleach it. If you decided to add a color, it's take a few hours between bleaching, waiting for the bleach to settle, washing, drying, adding the second color, repeat. Are you sure about this?" I took a deep breath.


"Have you thought on a color?"

I thought for a moment before I finally answered. "Teal."

"Alright. Let's go get your color." She slipped on her combat boots. "Your parents are gonna kill you."

"Probably, but I'm sure they'll understand my reasoning."


Well, I had to agree with Sky about one thing: Dying my hair was a long process. It took roughly three and a half hours before we were finally done. Especially since my hair is so long. By the time we were done, I smelled like the kind of shampoo used in hair salons. It burned a little bit, and the dye smelled awful, but Sky said it was normal.

In the end, it came out better than I thought it would. I must say I rock the teal colored look. Sky and her brothers thought so too. Her mom was kinda shocked by it though, and it took her a minute to get used to it. She had a hard time realizing it was me at first too.

No one else had known about what I had done. No one even knew I was thinking about it. I hadn't said anything about it until I asked Sky to help me. One thing for sure is Tombutoo would lose it if he saw me with teal hair. Or he'd have a hard time realizing it's me. For the sake of my sanity, I hope it's the latter.

"You think Ryan will like it?" I asked Sky as I analyzed my new color in the mirror.

"Highly likely. Sealey, Salinger and I like it. It looks good on you. It might take some getting used to, but I think he will. If not, it's only temporary. It'll be out in a few months or so, and you could always dye it back if you want."

"Good point. Either way, I have to get to work, so it's bound to turn some heads."

"Oh., that's right. Are they going to let you keep your hair that color?"

"I don't know."

Evidently, my shop teacher knew more about my family's curse than any of my friends did. I'm pretty sure she'd be very understanding. She knew my whole world was turned upside down and my entire life came to a dead halt when my parents told me about my family's curse.

I climbed in the front seat of my Chevelle and headed to the shop. Summer vacation meant change in hours. Now I work Monday through Friday with weekends off every week until September. I don't mind working at the shop that much. I just wished my work schedule allowed me more time to figure out how to break this curse.

"Finally finished your mom's Chevelle, eh, Mag?" Mr. Thompson asked.

Mr. Thompson is an old family friend. He went to school with my parents and dated my mom before she dated my dad. He lived in the next town over.

"Mag?" He looked up at me in shock. "Did you dye your hair?"

"Yep." I popped my "p".

"Did I just hear someone say Mag dyed her hair?" Lizzie poked her head out the door that led into the shop.

Damn. I didn't think people would go bonkers over my new change in color. Aside from my ability to work on cars, I was also known for never changing my long black hair. Until yesterday, I was the only one in my group of friends that never dyed their hair. I can't say that no more, and I really don't care because I'm the odd one out anyway.

Lizzie walked over to me and started doing every and any form of analysis on my new color she could. First, she started running her fingers through my hair probably to make sure the color was real. Then she circled around me. Lastly, I can't even lie, she smelled it. Is it really that intriguing?

"What's your verdict, your honor?" I asked her.

"Follow me." I followed her into the break room. "Is this because of your family curse?"


"Are you even allowed to do this?"

"I don't know and I don't care." I said flatly.

"You didn't ask Tombutoo?" I shook my head. "Does he know?"

"Nope. And I'm betting on him not recognizing me so he'll leave me alone." I crossed my arms.

"You really don't like him do you?" I furrowed m eyebrows. I'll take that as a no."

"How much trouble am I going to get in for my hair?"

"I don't know. I don't know anything about your family curse." I raised an eyebrow.

"I meant here." My eyes shifted. "You're my boss."

"Oh yeah." Realization smacked her in the face. "I don't know how managed to forget that."

As much as I love Lizzie, she could be a bit out there sometimes. She reminded me of Asher that way. But the fact that she just managed to forget that she's my boss is one big facepalm. After she recovered from her blonde moment, she said it's okay that my hair is the color it is. Mainly because she wants to see how people react to the new Mag. Especially after seeing Mr. Thompson's reaction.
In case y'all are wondering why I chose teal, I've been really digging that color lately. Like I've been dying my hair teal for the last year and a half so I gave Mag teal hair.
Really quick funny story. I got drunk at a family party on Christmas and my uncle noticed my I shaved my head. He asked if I could shave any closer. My cousin said it didn't matter if I shaved my head as long as it was Eagle green. For those Americans who like football, GO BIRDS!!!

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