Chapter 57 Test Your Might

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No one's POV

After a few more hour, Zero, Maine, Carolina, Dr. Grey and the Blues walk forward, after arriving at the alien installation displayed on the map.

Tucker: Holy shit!

Epsilon: I think it's safe to say we're here.

Carolina: And not a moment too soon.

Elsewhere, One, Wash, the Red Team, Rebels, and Feds driving towards the Desert Refueling Station, as they stop to refuel.

Sarge: Now look, the fact of the matter is the ability to fly north, and only north, is just gonna lead to more problems than it solves.

Simmons: Thank you!

Grif: Whatever, this road trip sucks!

Sarge: Nonsense! Road trips are an inherent part of the Red Team experience. Enjoy the exotic sights and sounds of this beautiful, albeit wartorn, land.

Grif: It's a gas station... that we've been to before! Seriously, there's like three places to go on the whole planet!

Wash and One both approach the Reds.

Washington: Alright, almost time to hit the road again.

Simmons: Any word from the away team?

One: They found some sort of giant alien temple shooting pure energy into the sky.

Grif: What'd I tell ya? Blue Team problems.

Washington: You know, One and I think it's really admirable that you all choose to stay and fight for the people of Chorus.

Simmons: Oh. Thanks.

One: Yeah, like when we first met you all, we honestly thought you'd never amount to anything.

Washington: But you've really proven us wrong.

Washington: But you've really proven us wrong

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Grif: Uhhhh, cool. Thanks...

Washington: Sure, you may not be the most conventional soldiers but no matter the challenge you always manage to find a way to come out on top

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Washington: Sure, you may not be the most conventional soldiers but no matter the challenge you always manage to find a way to come out on top.

One: And that's something really special.

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