Restoration Thoughts...

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Alright... I quite literally just finished watching RVB Restoration and I have to say it was... Interesting... I'm going to go into Spoilers so if you don't want to be spoiled, come back after you've seen the movie. Now I'm not movie reviewer, so is mainly my thoughts and not an actual review


Now, for context I literally found out that it came out yesterday and was completely unaware that it was made into a movie, thinking it was limbo like Rwby is currently in. So finding out it was out, I watched it and it was like I said, interesting. Interesting in a good and bad way.

Now, this is just my opinion and my opinion alone.

Already, watching this movie, I Immediately could tell that Roster Teeth shutting down effected this Season/movie drastically and it shows heavily. The first obviously having to have it be made into a movie. But not only that, this movie felt like only pure shock value and pure fan service and nothing is truly explained in the slightest.

Now, this movie is set after Season 13 due to everything pass that point being Retconned. But it quite literally throws you into the aftermath without really telling you anything. The Reds and Caboose are just in the bases from Season 15 and Tucker is still in the Meta Armor now being used as a puppet for Sigma and the other fragments because after Church/Epsilon fragmented his memories of the other fragments to run the suit, those fragments took control and tried to make a new Alpha. So, essentially a watered down version of Season 6.

What I assume was going to happen was we would get flashbacks to the events that happened after Season 13, such as the battle, Tucker going Rouge due to the Faux Fragments and etc, but no. None of that. We hear literally nothing in regards to Hargrove or the two armies, or Locus in terms of closure to those plot points like we do in the later seasons.

Wash, quite literally does nothing the entire movie because he's in a Mental Hospital because the Meta is back and he feels guilty that Doc died saving him. Oh yeah, Doc is dead. Doc apparently dies after Season 13 and it's literally never explained what happened, just that Wash got hurt and he was trying to save him and that's literally at the end of the movie when we find this out. They hint towards the fact that Doc is dead when he and Wash were talking about the different AI Fragments, but you can easily write it off as just them talking about the AI Fragments and not Wash having gone insane. Again, I'm just taking a shot in the dark and say Tucker being taken over possibly injured Wash and while Doc was in the middle of treating him, Tucker possibly died, hence Wash feeling guilty about his death, along with not knowing Tucker was in Maine's armor, so that's a probably case of him going insane, but we never got that or anything hinting towards it.

Wash in the now retconned Seasons had a much better arc after getting shot in the throat, getting angry no one told him about it and coming to terms with his constant lapse in memory is a much better scenario then what we got. This is such a poor send off for a beloved character, because the conclusion doesn't feel earned because we don't truly see how Doc's death truly effected Wash to the point he talks to him in his head. All we see that he's mental hospital.

Carolina literally comes out of nowhere during the final battle the same way Maine did on in Season 10 with the Drop pod, but it's never explained what she was doing at all. She just shows up and comes back to fight alongside Tex against the Meta. Again, her battling her past self in the retconned where Carolina has face a past reflection of herself in her old armor, being told she's forgotten who she is and accepting help from the Reds and Blues was leagues better then this.

Also, yeah, you heard me right, they brought back Tex. With one of the scenes that I actually really enjoyed, Caboose, Griff and Simmons were all recalling their memories (Season 1-13) to bring back Church, but in a bait and switch, Caboose brings back Tex instead, which I saw coming, because Church wouldn't be able to do a damn thing against Meta.

Caboose essentially recalling both Allison and Leonard's story to the memory unit was extremely touching and wholesome. I don't have a problem with Tex being brought back because her character's arc and story was already concluded long ago, and her back was purely fan service. And the fact that this Tex was the memories of the Reds and Blues's version of her was a nice touch, allowing her to actually win.

Tucker was a mixed bag, due to him being used being mainly used as a Puppet by the Fragments, he didn't really get a chance to to do anything on his own and doesn't get much of a send off either.

As for the Reds and Caboose they were the main highlights of the entire movie and wouldn't change anything about them. Especially Sarge, who surprisingly dying to save Caboose was something that caught me off guard, but was a very fitting death, making Simmons the leader and telling Grif he always believed in him and was always hard on him to engage him to be better made me tear up a bit because he didn't die saving an enemy, he died saving someone in trouble, a friend.

In the end, for it was, I enjoyed what I watched, but as a final send off for the Red vs Blue Series, it did not deliver for me. But that's just my personal preference and opinion. If you feel differently and believe it was an amazing send off, then that's completely fine. Do not let my personal opinion dictate your enjoyment, I just wished to share my thoughts.

As for if I plan to do something like this in the future for my story, possibly. But that won't be for awhile.

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