Part 3: Killua & Shirayuki; Friend or Foes?

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             "Are we at the second phase now?" Someone asked.

            "No, you have to continue following me before we reach our destination." Satotz said.

            "Don't listen to him! It's an imposter! I'm the real one!" Someone yelled.

          Everyone turned their head to find an injured man yelling at them, with lots of people wondering whether or not it was true of not.

          Some people waited for Shirayuki to speak, thinking that she was quite sharp because of her words towards Tonpa.

           "Kilwe, is there any way to identify a powerful hunter?" Shirayuki asked.

          "They should have hunter license. And anyone here who were to fight a powerful hunter would die. And, it's Killua." Killua said.

         Shirayuki sweatdropped but held her kunai under her jacket and infused her chakra into it, and got ready to throw at the imposter but saw cards kill it instead.

          Shirayuki kept it and looked to who threw it, realising it was the creepy clown.

         "I see..." Hisoka muttered.

         Shirayuki looked to the real examiner and saw two other cards, except Satotz was holding it.

         "The real examiner would've been able to catch these cards, which means that you are the real examiner." Hisoka explained.

         "I'll let this one off because of the situation, but any other attacks like this on the examiner will result in disqualification. Understood?" Satotz warned.

        "I got it." Hisoka nodded.

        "Please keep up with me, you will face many problems here while we're running." Satotz said, running forward.

        "This'll be a problem. I should be able to see him from above, though." Shirayuki muttered, jumping up onto the tree branches, keeping an eye on Satotz.

       Nobody had noticed Shirayuki, as she was hiding her presence(Not with nen). Shirayuki jumped down when the path to the others was clearer and started running to the end.

         Killua saw her and waved to her before slowly moving towards her, but keeping a small distance.

        "Have you seen Gon?" Killua asked.

        Shirayuki shook her head, "Nope, but he should be here soon. Don't worry." Shirayuki assured.

         "Well, duh. I never said that he wasn't going to be here soon, I know that he can make it here." Killua defended.

        "...Okay. You're twisting the words coming out of my mouth. Besides, if you could make it, and I could make it, Gon can make it." Shirayuki told him.

         "What- Are you saying I'm weak?!" Killua yelled, thinking that Shirayuki meant that if weak people could make it, Gon could make it, and got offended.

         "Okay, you have to stop that. I mean, we're all 12 year olds. He can get here in time like us. You have to relax." Shirayuki said, stepping back.

        "I am relaxed!"

       "Okay, I don't want to bother you so I'll leave you alone to wait for Gon." Shirayuki said, leaving.

       "Wait...Uh, how'd you get here so fast?" Killua asked.

        "I was following Satotz in the trees, it gave me a much clearer view." Shirayuki explained.


         "Okay, I'm actually going to go now." Shirayuki said, not liking the fact that all Killua was doing was insulting her.

         "But those trees are so tall, how'd you get up there?" Killua asked, stopping Shirayuki in her tracks.

         "I'm really good at jumping, I guess. I've had to do it before so I just learnt how to jump very high." Shirayuki laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck.

          "You should teach me that some time, it could be useful." Killua whispered.

         "Oh, seriously? You want to learn?! Awesome, I'll see if I can find the time. I've never taught anyone before but I'll try my best." Shirayuki said, smiling and Killua with two thumbs up.

         Killua turned around, "Yeah, okay. I'll talk to you later." He said, walking away.

        "Huh, he keeps looking away everytime I show any expression. Do I look that weird?" Shirayuki questioned, walking to a big stone.

        She saw a few long leaves and started braiding it, trying to get rid of her boredom. She looked up and locked eyes with Killua by accident, Killua immediately looked away. She shrugged her shoulder and continued braiding the leaves together.

        Shirayuki got bored of it as well and decided to fix the small tear on her jacket from one of the branches during the second part of the first phase, she wasn't able to and slept until the end.

         "Shirayuki, wake up." Killua whispered, tapping Shirayuki on her shoulder.

         Shirayuki groaned softly as she sat up, rubbing her eyes, "Thanks, Killw-Kila-God, never mind!" Shirayuki groaned, slowly walking to the others.

         "Come on, the exam's about to start." Killua said, pulling Shirayuki through the gate with the group of applicants, since she was walking very slowly because of how tired she was.

         Shirayuki then heard all the yelling, and started getting dizzy, getting reminded of the war she went through. She used her hands to cover her ears, but it wasn't blocking the sound well . Killua noticed and shyly walked behind her, using his hands to cover her ears as well, he noticed Shirayuki not as dizzy and removed his hands when the yelling stopped.

        "Thank you." Shirayuki thanked, smiling at Killua with gratitude.

        "You looked weird and I thought you were going to throw up, I don't want vomit all over me." Killua said.

        "Still, thanks. I feel much better." Shirayuki smiled.

        "Whatever." Killua muttered, turning away from Shirayuki.

        Shirayuki had already figured out that Killua was shy when it came to this kind of thing, and found it adorable, even though she still had a few doubts.

        "I'm Menchi, that is Buhara. And what I want you to cook is, pork!" Menchi said.

        "Pork from the Great stamp pig." Buhara said.

       "Go on! The pork isn't going to cook themselves!" Menchi said.

       Shirayuki didn't waste any time to find the pig, trying to find places with food, hoping to find the pigs eating it. The rest followed Shirayuki and saw all the pigs, but had trouble killing the pigs.

        "How do we kill these pigs?" Leorio questioned, seeing how the others were having trouble.

        Shirayuki used her knowledge of pressure points to make the pig go unconscious(Yor Forger Style). She carried it back and killed it in it's sleep when she cooked it.

        She knew that she had to add seasoning, thanks to Xiangling's help, and was able to make a dish which at least had taste. She made sure that the prok was cooked well, nothing was burnt, and went up to present it.

A Ninja Becomes A Hunter. (Hunter x Hunter x Oc) Book 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora