5- friends

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Sid pov,

I stormed out of her apartment, took my car, and drove to the club where my friends are waiting. I don't love her, or I don't even care what does she feels, but why I felt bad seeing her tears? I think my inner devil was satisfied by faking love drama, and I literally assaulted her in all mean she was so scared of me now. I think I got succeed in ruining her life then why I'm getting upset. Why did I stop today? All the stupid questions irritated my mind.

I parked my car and ran inside the club. I saw my friends Rick and Sam sitting near the bar counter. I had a shot, suppressing my frustration.

"Hey, bro, why you returned so fast? Did she push you out again?" Rick chuckled.

"Shut up, she doesn't have those guts now. She had lost her battle, and I won her," I scoffed in anger.

"Oh really, then what you're doing again in the club. Just an hour ago you said you want to enjoy the night with her, then why?" Rick asked in his sarcastic tone. I felt like to kick him back for asking such stupid questions.

"Her too much obedience is freaked me!" I spat in, brushing my hair.

"Oh, means she started emotionally blackmailing you!" Rick added.

"Stop it, Rick, don't provoke him more," Sam interpreted.

"Can we talk a while?" Sam asked. He never talks, but for the first time, he was asking permission. I placed my card in Rick's hand and walking with Sam.

We came out of the club and settled on my car bonnet.

"Now tell me what happened?" Sam asked, leaning on the car.

I narrated to him everything happened, and he knows I got her signature cheating her. He never supported my deeds, but he never left me too.

"Everything is just like you wished, then what is the problem now?" He asked, looking at my sorrowful face.

"I didn't like her give up. I accept, I wanted that, but I was not happy. The things which made me happy once upon a time are not giving me the same happiness now," I sighed, getting down from the Bonner.

"I was trying to tell you the same from a long time, but your ego didn't let you listen. You're feeling you just won because you successfully destroyed a girl's life, hurting her heart and now playing with her dignity. You feel like you're a real man so your girl listens to you, but the reality is we can see a man like a winner only if his girl is happy with him. You respected no girl in your life. Your mother, your sister, now wife. You damaged her beyond repair and hoping to be happy. Seriously, how? I really don't know how you got such a sick mindset. She loved you truly. She knows you're a spoiled brat still she trusted you and loved you, but you don't deserve it. You spoiled her life, she is crying, but she didn't utter a word to this world about your cruelness because she truly loved you and was shocked at your reality. I already said to you, you can't be happy giving pain to someone." Sam said in a convincing tone. Yes, he is right. I did every terrible thing with her, but she never said it to anyone, including my dad. She knows well that Maya will take her side still, she got quiet. Why?

"Bro, he is brainwashing you. I say you; she is also a gold digger. She is quiet because you legally married her, and she got a jackpot being your wife." Rick yelled walking towards us. It has broken my trance.

"Rick, please. Don't spoil his mind. She is innocent, why you're filling his mind with venom." Sam scolded Rick. They started arguing, messing my mind more.

"Stop it guys!!" I yelled, separating them.

"If you believe him, I promise you will regret it later!" Sam shouted, walking away. I never saw Sam so angry.

"Chill bro, he is polluting your mind. As he joined your company, your sister may train him like this. Insane!" Rick whispered, patting my shoulder. I dropped him home and left for my home. I hardly go to my home. As I pressed the doorbell, Maya came to open the door.

"Hey!" I chuckled.

"You came drunk again?" She spat in anger.

"Yes, so what will you do, push me out of your house?" I groaned, holding the door drunk.

"It's not my, it's our home. I'm happy finally you remembered that you had a house and family waiting for you," She whispered.

"You don't know how much mom is missing you." She took out mint from her pocket and gave me. I chewed the mint as she settled my messy hair with her fingers and invited me inside.

"Sid!" My mom came to me with joy.

"Aren't you eating well? Look how tired you're looking. I think you're working late nights!" My mom asked in concern. Maya widened her eyes, listening to my mom. I winked at her.

"I'm hungry mom" I whispered, holding my tummy.

"Sorry, I forgot in hurry, come, have dinner! I was daily cooking food for you hoping one day you come" She said taking me to the dining table. She feeds me with love. I don't know why, but she loves me over everyone. She is my stepmother as my mother passed away when I'm five and my dad married her. They got blessed with Maya later on. Nevertheless, she treats me like her son. She is the one in my family who pampers me, loves me, trusts me, and she had too much love to feed me.

She was so happy. But I want to run from this place before my dad comes out. He might be sleeping. We had some conversation and left to our rooms. Maya signed me to follow her. As I entered her room, she showed me a plan chart.

"What is this?"

"Your presentation. I prepared this chart to make it easy for you and the file I will give you tomorrow. Better please follow notes and present it as it is. Or else you know dad will kill you. Please don't get in a mess, bro," She suggested. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't act like you are helping me. I know you're doing it to safeguard your love." I mocked.

"Look, you can say dad and it will reduce my burden because he is a successful businessman not an idiot like you. He prepares every project alone but you? You can't even spell word project!! Better don't irritate me. I'm supporting you because I want you to learn to live happily in the future. The money you have today will not be tomorrow if you keep wasting. Stop wasting time and money and start investing them in career."

"I don't have money to pay you for this lecture," I whispered with a smirk.

"Useless" She smashed the chart on my face in anger. I was so sleepy to argue. I hit my bed kicking on my sheet and sleep took over me.

Midnight at 3 am,

Sana took a knife from the kitchen and scratched her wrist, making it bleed. Blood flooded on the floor. I woke up with a jerk and realized it was my nightmare.

No, she can't die. It can't be true, but somewhere I was scared of turning it as true. I jumped out of my bed and drove to her apartment without disturbing my family.

After a long drive, I reached her apartment and banged on the door. I didn't get any reply from inside scaring my heart. I kicked on the door to break it. She opened the door. Looking at her perfect standing in front of me gifted me unexpected happiness. I ran inside and hugged her.

She is perfect. She is there, that's just my nightmare. I hugged her for a long time. She stood on frozen. I moved away after a while, locked the door. She stepped away from me shivering. I can clearly witness fear and hate in her eyes. I can't erase it, but I can't let her leave me. I don't know what got into me. It's revenge, but when she moved away from me it damaged my heart. I want her in my life at any cost.

"I just came to sleep with you. Come" I lifted her in my arms and carried her to the bedroom. I placed her on the bed and lied beside her, taking her in my embrace. Everything is perfect but the thing beside me made it worst. A man's watch is lying on the bed. It looks familiar. She is cheating on me. Rick is right, she doesn't deserve my goodness.

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