36- Date

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36- Date

Sid pov,

I'm having a hard and unbearable life. I never thought my life will turn so miserable. Everything turned in order, but my heart was still out of order. It can never be fine, ever. I started focusing on my work to overcome my pain.

I successfully completed ten projects in a short span of six months. I started developing a business plan of automobile spares and today is the last review. I made multiple changes in this and made it look best, but I was unsure about getting it on the floor. I need a huge investment to roll it.

I closed my file and placed it aside when I heard my dad's voice. Sounds he is angry with someone! He came inside my cabin while scolding someone on the phone "Do you think I'm an idiot to invest in all silly projects!! I don't have any money plant here and I can't encourage your nonsense. Already I suffered a huge loss by your past idea, and now no more. You don't fit to project research manager anymore your fired!!" My dad ended his call frustrated.

"What happened, dad?" I asked. He sighed with dissatisfaction.

"Do you know our project research team lead Jay? He designed a stupid project which a lot of investment. I don't know why all are wasting money a lot. Don't he think what can give more profit!!" He spoke irritated. These words may be related to me as well. That manager is 10years experienced than me.

I grabbed my project file from the table and hidden it behind me. He already fired one of the top managers thank God I didn't say my idea.

"Clients are here! They are in hurry can you do their presentation now?" He asked shaking me.

"What but you said evening?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah, but they are excited. Are you ready or shall I do something to postpone?" He asked understanding my thoughts.

"It's ok I will manage," I said with a smile. Where should I keep this fine now? My eyes fell on the trash can beside my table. I dropped the file and left to the conference hall.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath to start my presentation. Her cute smile assured me my success. I still feel her presence around me, who boosts my confidence and supports me. I completed my presentation successfully, but it didn't make me happy. After greeting everyone, I left my office to celebrate my achievement in my special place.

Her apartment, the place where we shared cute moments and where I ruined her dignity along with my ethics. I badly failed in respecting her. Today the suffering is what I deserve for hurting her.

She offered her apartment for sale, and I brought the same from the broker. She doesn't know that I brought it because she gave the broker a signed agreement of sale and it got registered. I took the loan and acquired this apartment. One day I will fill this apartment with her smile. I still have faith that she will return to me one day. My love will return to me.

I sat in the bedroom and told her everything happened this week. It sounds weird, but whom do I have to share. I had broken her, so she left me.

My phone started ringing. I picked up with excitement seeing a new number hoping it was Sana, but my excitement vanished listening to another girl speaking.

"Hi, Sid! This is lily!" She chuckled.

"Hello," I whispered.

"I want to meet you, let us meet tonight for dinner?" She asked excitedly.

"Sorry, I have some other plans." I lied.

"If you don't be in hotel Key by 8 pm, I will be in your home sharp 8.15 pm." She snapped hanging the call. This girl is so stupid! Even my dad was convinced to give me time, but she is literally getting on my nerves. Today I should tell her about my love and close her chapter.

Yeah, once I liked this girl. It's not love because that was my stupid attraction towards her wealth. I looked at her as an attractive girl with wealth who can make me powerful, but things changed, and I changed. Now I feel Sana is more valuable than my wealth. Even having everything, I got rejected by her because of my one silly mistake. I started searching for her, but I know she may left me forever. Before finding her, I should sort this, Lily.

I went to the hotel by 7 and waited for her till 8 pm. She is on time. I know I was messed up as I came in my same outfit from the office. She is looking good, but my eyes are not so excited to see her.

"Wow, seems your restless to see me." She chuckled, looking at the empty coffee cups around.

"Not so much, miss have your seat!" I mumbled looking away.

"Shall we order something?" She asked smiling.

"No, I was not interested in this. I'm here to tell you a few things straight!" I scoffed.

"I know what you are going to tell." She whispered in a husky tone.


"Yeah, you wanted to tell me that you had a girlfriend and she left you. So technically you're a love failure and determined to spend your life crying forever. Is this what you want to tell me?" She asked shocking me.

"How you know this?" I asked with surprise. She chuckled, looking at me. She signed the server to take the order.

"Your dad told me everything. Tell me what you like to have for dinner? Please, I'm hungry too." She pouted.

"I prefer a salad. It's enough you can order yours."

"Tell me what's next?" She asked excitedly.

"What is next! You came to meet me even after knowing everything?" I asked in surprise.

"What is here to get so shocked? Did you do any murder and ran away from jail? It's happens, man! Love happens accidentally. I don't mind it." She said casually rolling her fork in noodles.

"Let me be straight I can't move on and don't want to move on. Today I may not tell my dad, but one day I will tell him for sure that I want to live single forever. If I want to share my life with any girl, it's only her." I confessed my feeling.

"Wonderful, stay on that word" She laughed, filling her mouth with food. I'm not joking!! Why is she taking it playful?

"Hey, I'm not joking, man. Seriously, I like it. I have some goals in life. I don't want to get locked in marriage so soon. If I tell the same, my dad will not accept. Let's date for a while our parents will stop the hunt."

"Are you kidding! We are not dating ok!"

"We will not but for them, we will... Think Sid, if you reject my offer my dad will find one businessman and your dad may also find another girl or he may feel you're still stuck with the past and get upset. So, I made this plan. Let's be friends and tell our families we are dating and need some time. In this way, we both can have a single life and they will stop this hunt. If you find your love, you can marry her. We both can get the advantage. What you say?" She asked. Hearing her plan, it seems right. That can make a win and win.

"Ok, done. But only friends!" I smiled. She laughed pulling my cheeks. Finally, one national issue was suppressed. We had some time together and left the hotel. She is not that bad.

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