35- change

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35- change

Author pov,

It's been almost ten days that Sid stepped out of his home. He locked himself in the darkness thinking about his life, how he ruined everything, and his love left him forever. He didn't get tears from the day when she came to his home one last time. He felt more guilt seeing her hiding his deeds from his family. But he felt so lonely without her.

His dad returned from the office hoping to see Sid out from his room, but he felt disappointed to see the mansion quiet as always from the past few days.

"Did he had his lunch?" Johnson asked his wife.

"I gave him, but he didn't come out. He is so depressed, John," She said sadly.

"I will talk with him," Johnson said before leaving to his room.

After getting changed into casuals, he made his way to Sid's room.

"May I come in" He knocked on the door. Sid jumped out of his bed and opened the door hurried hearing his dad's voice.

Johnson was surprised to see the room arranged so clean, and everything is arranged in order.

"Are you alright?" He asked walking inside the room settling on the couch.

"Yes, dad" He whispered.

"Come sit here" Johnson made him sit beside him. Sid was so nervous seeing his dad so close to him. He felt he was locked in the lion's den.

"I will not eat you. I'm your dad. I know it's kind of weird. We never chatted before. I'm sorry I failed in giving you a desirable life. I should've thought about you before making my decisions. I'm so sorry my son." His dad whispered with tears.

"No, dad. It's nothing like that. You always want my success, but I was a loser." Sid muttered holding his dad's hand.

"No, you're not a loser. It's me who made you a loser. I should've trusted you, Sid. I'm so sorry. Can you forgive me?" Johnson said taking his hand. Sid was so surprised hearing him.

"Don't be sorry, I have never been your good son. Every time I opposed you, I'm sorry!"

"I don't want to see you sad, nothing happened now. She will be back to you soon. Your friends left to London, why not you join them? You can forget this mess and return to me like a champ!" Johnson asked, smiling.

"No, dad. I don't want to go anywhere. If Sana returns to me, I should be available for her. I will join office from tomorrow." Sid said determinedly.

"No, it's alright you can choose to do what you like!!" He said smiling.

"No, dad. If I want to leave to US, it's only along with Sana. When she is not there, I had nothing to do! I will work in your office, it can help me to overcome this pain." Sid forced a smile.

"As you wish, my son. Don't take stress!" Johnson smiled tabbing his hair. Sid liked the way how his dad talked to him. He felt so happy after a long time. It's been years since he talked so calmly and loving without anger.

Another side,

Noah was so frustrated as Sana left without informing him and also changed her number. He was so restless about her. All his evil plans are ruined.


Sid was determined to work hard and stay busy to control his breakdown. He started preparing another project along with his daily work.

Maya felt upset about Sid after knowing the entire truth. It made her hate herself. She got to the conclusion that he can never be good, but the words of Sana rolled in her mind to trust him. She spoke with Sana's current boss about her wellbeing. At the same time, she kept her eyes on Sid to protect Sana in case of an ordeal, but little did she know that he changed with love and pain.

"Maya, give this file to your brother. He will prepare the presentation." Johnson said passing the pen drive of data.

"Are you sure, dad?" She asked to confirm. He glared as yes. She left to his cabin, grabbing the pen drive.

"Sid!" She called him standing near the door. Sid was so surprised hearing his name from her.

"Come in!" He whispered with a smile. She walked to him and gave him the pen drive.

"Dad wants you to prepare the presentation. Can you prepare or shall I do it for you?" She asked with hesitation not to make him angry.

"It's ok, I will make the presentation." He said taking the pen drive.

"Ok, 25th is the deadline." She said turning to leave.

"Maya, you can call me Bhai," He said with a smile.

"But you said I'm your stepsister I shouldn't call you so!!" Maya remained his own words. Sid chuckled, remembering his stupid
behavior towards her.

"My mistake sister, in my stupidity I left all my relations. I'm sorry about my disgusting behavior towards you." He apologized with heart. She looked into his eyes to trace out his expression and it turned out genuine.

"It's ok, Bhai" She forced a smile and left.

"I don't know whether to be happy seeing his change or to cry about the past, what he did with her. Why!! I never know that one truth will weight so much in life." he murmured crushing the situation.

Sana pov,


I settled in a new city and joined a new growing firm as CEO's secretary with a high package due to my past work experience. I also got free accommodation in a private apartment provided by the company. Slowly I overcame my fears and learned to live peacefully, but every day I was ending up remembering Sid.

After having a tiresome day, I returned home and got a call from my dad and explained to him about my new job and assured him that I'm safe and happy. Every girl's dad spends sleepless nights thinking about his girl's safety. Is she safe in another town? Or in her workplace? Or with her neighbors or with any random stranger? Because a man knows all the threats that a girl has. Maybe in this world, even strangers like to hurt a girl mentally by a comment or physically. Humanity dies when it comes to a girl. We can't blame all men... We do find a lot of gentlemen in a girl's life, her protective father, her caring friend, her sweet brother, maybe a mere stranger too.

Both have pros and cons, but even getting a lot of support, I couldn't tell anyone about the pain I'm getting through! This world will mock me if I tell them the truth that I rejected him for his past deeds because it's very easy to forgive as he changed. And the person is doing such a favor asking for marriage after killing my dignity. Now days having self-respect is named as betrayal, ego, or stupidity. I felt the pain to see him crying, but it's very less when compared to the pain I got when he has broken my soul. I was broken beyond repair. I was in a state of mind to kill myself, but my life belongs to my dad that was the only reason that gave me the courage to move away and try a new start. I hope I overcome my past soon.

About Sid, he has everything as he wanted now. I'm so happy for him. Although it's hard as of now, soon he can restart his life. I used my last chance to enlighten his parents about his loneliness. He will have the family now.

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