48- Win?

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48- Win?


The judge and audience are hearing the arguments between the two parties. Maya was nervous looking at the door. His mom was sobbing silently, looking at her son standing in the criminal box.

Noah's family lawyer is busy accusing Sid about the murder.

"Do you want to tell anything?" The judge asked Sid as his lawyer was struggling to prove his innocence.

"I accepted my crime, punish me!" Sid said confidently.

"Do you accept you killed him out of your anger!" The judge questioned.


"No! He didn't do that murder it's me who killed him." Sana cried, standing at the door. Everyone are shocked to see her panting.

"You can tell anything from here" The judge ordered her, gesturing her to the witness box.

"No!" Sid shouted stopping her.

Sana ran to him, gifted him a tight slap. Dare you lie!!" She scoffed in anger and occupied the witness box, pushing him away.

Everyone started murmuring seeing her act.

"Order! Order!" The judge shouted stamping the hammer on his desk.

"Your Honor! I killed Noah." She said again.

"She is misguiding the court, your honor!" Noah's lawyer argued.

"No! I killed Noah. I killed him with my own hands, and I don't regret it! I killed him to save my dignity! I killed him to protect myself!" She confessed.

"She is lying, your honor! She can't defame my client! She is using law points to save her boyfriend."

"This criminal is her boss, but the whole office knows their affair. To save her criminal boyfriend, she is cooking up the story. Please permit me to question her." The lawyer requested the Highness.

"Permission granted!"

"Let's start with your relationship with your boss. You had a past working record with the Johnson group. Why you suddenly resigned your Job?" The lawyer asked, turning the papers like he knows everything about them.

She glued on hearing his straight question.

"Come on, answer me? Why you resigned and left selling your flat?" The lawyer pressurized her.

"I know everything happened between you and your ex. I'm the one who prepared your divorce papers." The lawyer whispered leaning to her.

"This court wants to hear the truth, Sana! Tell us about your relationship with this court." He roared shaking her. Her heart started bleeding, remembering her past and Noah's betrayal.

"We are in a relationship, but we are unequal, so to part away from him I resigned from my job and left to another city away from everyone. Accidentally he purchased light automobiles where I'm working at present. We are just neighbors."

"So, are you sure you're not an abusive relationship in past?"

"No, he loved me truly, but our financial backgrounds are mismatch, so I parted away myself and none forced me to do it." She murmured.

"Wonderful, so what is your relationship with Noah?"

"He is my friend, but he took advantage of my situations."

"Advantage in the sense!"

"He tried to force himself on me. I killed him to protect myself," She cried.

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