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September 1st 2017

Sakura smiled as she watched from the large bay windows of the medical wing at Hogwarts. It had been 5 years since Madame Pomphrey had decided to officially step down, fed up with the workload and constant injuries the students at Hogwarts seemed to be prone to. She'd handed her position over to Sakura and headed off for a relaxing retirement, far away from the Hogwarts' infirmary.

Sakura smiled as a steaming cup of tea was pushed into her hands, bringing the cup to her lips as the students began to stream into the front doors of the castle. She gave them one more glance before turning to greet her companion.

Draco Malfoy stood behind her, his eyes crinkled as he smiled down at her, his blonde hair slicked back in his favored style. "Mr. Malfoy" she greeted, "Mrs. Malfoy" he responded, matching her cheeky grin. Sakura beamed at his response, "18 years and I'm still not quite used to that."

"Tea?" she offered, smiling at her husband, as she wandered over to the kettle perched on the counter along the wall. "Sure," he replied turning to watch her, a smile on his face as he leaned back against the wall. "I'm going to miss you, you know?" he spoke after a moment of silence. Sakura's lips quirked in amusement as the kettle whistled softly, reaching into the cupboard to grab a teabag and mug. "You say that every year."

Draco crossed his arms and leaned his head back on the wall. "Yes, but this year Scorpius is leaving me too. I'm going to be so lonely," he sulked, accepting the proffered tea with a whispered gratitude. "Scorpius is not our only child, you still have the others, besides, you and the children spend almost every weekend with me anyway, and you are assigned to Hogsmeade way more often than I know rotations usually are," she replied, cocking her brow at her pouting husband.

"I'm offended that you think I would resort to such measures in order to see my beautiful wife," he smirked at her, before confidently taking a swig of boiling tea. Cursing and spluttering when the water scalded the back of his mouth. Sakura looked at him in amusement, taking the hot drink off of him and gently placing her hand on the back of his neck to soothe him.

"When are you going to realize that the tea is not magical? It is hot when I make it." She scolded him lightly, far too used to Draco's spoiled, magical upbringing which included hot drinks that maintained the perfect temperature for their drinkers. "Well if you used the warded mugs I gave you for your birthday this wouldn't be a problem." He sulked, accepting the drink again and placing it on one of the tables nearby so as not to fall into the same trap again.

The two turned when they heard the door to the infirmary opening, Neville's head poking through the gap between the large oak doors. "Sakura, it's time to go for the introductory dinner," he said, stepping inside slightly upon spotting her. He tilted his head in a silent greeting towards Draco, it was rather commonplace to see him conveniently in the neighborhood, and 'dropping by to check on Sakura'.

"I'll be right with you Neville."

Draco scowled at the sight of the unwelcome intruder, smoothing his brow into a smile when Sakura turned to say goodbye. "I'll miss you," he whispered into soft pink hair, causing Sakura's lips to quirk upwards. "Me too, I'll see you later yes?" she mumbled into his chest. "Obviously" he sneered, causing Sakura to snicker quietly, he'd certainly picked up a few of his godfather's mannerisms in his old age. "Bye now," she mumbled before stepping back. His arms were reluctant to release her as she did so. 

She turned and walked quietly towards the door, dropping her now empty mug off in the sink as she went. Then tying her hair back into a more professional hairstyle as she braced herself for yet another long year of quidditch injuries and potion mishaps.

Draco watched with a melancholic smile as she left. He really would miss her, even if he would be seeing her again in a couple of hours down at the three broomsticks for date night. They'd always had a standing date night on Friday nights, and there was no way he was going to let either of them break that habit. Not this tonight anyway.

He turned to look out the window, picking up his now cooler cup of tea, taking a swig of it, and smiling. He wasn't sure there was much if anything, he would do to change what had happened. He was quite content with the life he had lived, he had regrets, sure, but what was there to need now he had everything he wanted and more?

He finished off his tea, and picked up his wife's empty mug, scrubbing them both clean by hand before tucking them away in the cupboard. He picked up the various books and pieces of paper as he wandered over to the fireplace, tucking them away neatly on Sakura's desk before grabbing a handful of floo powder. He glanced once more over the room before declaring "Ministry of Magic."


Sakura sighed in relief at the end of the welcome feast, undoing her hair as she stepped into her quarters. Her eldest son had been sorted into Slytherin, which would bring her husband a great deal of delight, he was a changed man, but he still had a strong house pride. Harry's boy, Albus, had also been sorted into Slytherin, and Sakura could see the two boys one-day becoming good friends in the future. Fate had a funny sense of humor like that, she supposed.

Sakura hummed quietly to herself as she got ready for tonight, when she heard the door open behind her, she smiled. "I thought we were meeting at the three broomsticks Draco, you didn't have to come here to meet me," she spoke as she put a pair of earrings in, her husband had gotten her the emerald studs for her when they'd had their second child all those years ago, they matched her eyes.

When there was no reply, Sakura's forehead creased, "Draco are you alright? --" she asked turning around before cutting herself off in shock at the sight of the intruder.



Hey! Sorry for the really long wait, I honestly didn't even realize how much time had gone by since the last update. Also, I was really unsure where I was going with it, but this is what came to mind for now.

Thanks for putting up with the slow updates! I hope this was okay!

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