Chapter 49

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Sakura didn't stay more than a year at the Flammel Safehouse. The boredom that came hand-in-hand with the suffocating nature of being trapped indoors was far to over-bearing for a girl who dreamed of travelling the world. So, against Dumbledore's best interest, she found herself leaving the house just before a year's anniversary of remaining indoors.

Her complexion had paled significantly, her already light skin tone near blue from the lack of sunlight. The sun's bright rays threatening to burn the backs of her eyes that had long-since adjusted to the darkened rooms of the house. With a huff and the words of disapproval from the house-elf, she pulled the large door open, stepping outside for the first time in years.

A wave of relief washed over her with the first breath of fresh air that swept through her pink hair. The next gentle wind snapping her out of her reverie and back into the chaotic world that surrounded her. With a deep sigh, her green eyes took in the surroundings that she had seen only through a cracked window pane these past few months.

The streets outside were overflowing with people as they shoved past one another, desperate to reach their destinations but a few seconds faster. The cobbled roads uneven beneath her feet, and the cars that rattled along it, their engine clunking in indignation.

The journey to the train station was a short one, but for someone trapped inside for so long, it was incredibly tiring. After purchasing a ticket to the international station, she was forced to battle her way onto the busy train, and then argue with a young man about how she had reached the seat first.

About ten minutes later found Sakura looking rather smug as she stared out the window, leaning back on her well-earned chair. The world racing past her as the train shot along the rails, small villages cropping up amongst fields of animals. The midmorning sun brightening the already idyllic landscape that filled her view, and she didn't even struggle against the small smile that graced her lips.

She could barely remember what Hogwarts looked like anymore, all she could recall was the vague image of the tall castle leering over the Scottish countryside. The idea that she would not be alone anymore thrilled her, as amusing as it was teasing the house-elf, she severely missed having a conversation with someone who didn't speak in broken English.

With a contented sigh, she shut her eyes, closing off her view of the world. The ride was not going to be short, and she something told her that she wouldn't be getting much sleep later.


For all that France was beautiful and calm, Hogwarts was broken and in chaotic. The remaining students – of which there was only half in comparison to previous years – were frightened, and reluctant to leave their houses when it was not required of them.

The new headmaster stalking the corridors with a scowl on his face as he returned to his quarters. The hallowed halls, once alive with the students, now deathly quiet. The students too fearful of the darkness to dare dream of the light, and their so their days were filled with misery and fear. No day scared them more, however than when nothing had happened in weeks when even the death eaters who paraded down the corridors were hushed.

The students who did dare to walk down the corridors were almost indistinguishable from the ghosts. The ghosts themselves were too fearful to glide down the corridors, opting to hide in various places. More often than not that place being their respective houses.

Snape turned the last corner of the dungeons, stopping only for a moment to whisper his password to the statue before he hurried inside his quarters. Despite claiming the headmaster's position to the school, he had chosen to remain in the familiar room that he'd stayed in for the duration of his time as a professor at Hogwarts.

It was surprising, to say the least, to see Draco standing in his room though. The blonde boy having dropped out the school shortly after Sakura had disappeared. He did sometimes make an appearance though, if only to look longingly at the portrait that hid the letter holding Sakura's location.

"It's still there Draco, and there it will stay," he said, his voice harsh against the cold atmosphere of his room. The fire had been lit, and its golden glow illuminated the few chairs scattered around it, but neither the heat nor the light made it much further.

The boy swung around suddenly at the sound of his name, "Is there really no way I can find out its contents now, sir? Please?" Snape could only sigh and avert his eyes. The war had not been kind to anyone, but Draco's once-proud countenance had truly changed, and not for the better. 

Whilst he did naturally have high cheekbones, and a slim frame; his clothes now hung off him as though there was nothing beneath them, and his cheeks were but skin stretched from cheekbone to chin. His silver eyes now grey, but not the sort that brought mystery in the form of fog in the early hours, but the sort that was dreary and lifeless. 

"I'm sorry Draco, but my answer cannot change, no matter how much I desire it." Snape simply said, his greasy hair swinging slightly as he shook his head, "I miss her too." he muttered only to be met with silence, bracing himself for what came next.

There was a thud as bony flesh met stone, sobs breaking out from Draco's trembling lips. The reality of the situation dawning on him once more. Snape turned his head further, trying to distract himself from the crying boy before him. 

But the boy's wails clawed their way into his chest, tugging at his heart until he found himself seated next to his godson, pulling him into his chest. "It's okay, let it all out," Snape muttered as he drew the shaking boy into his shoulder, rubbing circles into his back.

The boy whimpered as he sniffled and sobbed into Snape's shoulder, "It hurts sir, it hurts so much... Please make it stop." Snape simply looked at the boy who was attempting to make eye contact, his grey eyes tinted red and his cheeks blotchy. Something damp made its way down Snape's cheek, the man bringing his hand to wipe it away.

"I know."

I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I hope you enjoyed it though.

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