Chapter 42

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Sakura didn't see much of Draco for a large proportion of the school year. The blonde-haired boy almost consistently just missing her. Whether it was his classroom being conveniently close, or how he dismissed himself early from dinnertime.

To say she was disappointed would be an understatement, and she quickly found herself missing the boy's company. But with her social behaviour beginning to come to light, she opted to try and expand her friendship group.

And that company came to her in the most interesting of forms. The first being none other than Cedric Diggory himself. The Hufflepuff was incredibly friendly towards the pink-haired female, but whether that kindness was due to her being his saviour, or for another reason was beyond her.

But either way, she couldn't help but enjoy his company. Unlike Malfoy, he was much more light-hearted. The difference in attitude, whilst great, was incredibly refreshing for the pink-haired girl.

Soon enough, the friendship developed further, the friendly and loyal Hufflepuff joining her in her time off shifts whenever he could. Normally, this time being after his classes were over, and after he'd visited Cho. The pair had apparently gotten together over the summer and had been going out since then.

The other student that the girl had befriended was Blaise Zabini. The Slytherin boy had gotten himself quite badly injured during a quidditch practice -he played chaser- and had found himself in the hospital ward for the next week.

That week, the hospital had been particularly slow which lead to Sakura having more free time than she knew what to do with. And so the pair had ended up spending quite a bit of time together, not that either of them minded.

Of course, with Blaise's rather reclusive personality, it had been rather difficult at first. Sakura spending more hours than she'd willingly admit talking to herself. But after a few days of her doing so, the boy had surrendered and replied.

Since then, Blaise was another to sometimes visit, whilst his visits were more sporadic than Cedric's, the girl still greatly appreciated them. Despite the fact that a worryingly large amount of them were during lesson hours and Zabini should most definitely not have been there.


Sakura could still remember vividly the night the burrow fell to the darkness. She'd been asleep when the owl had come knocking on her window, its hooked beak rattling the metal diamonds that held the pane together.

She could remember cursing it and trying to sleep through the annoyance, before finally surrendering to the racket and getting up. That was the first letter she could remember wishing she'd never received.

Disappearing from her room, she appeared at the temporary home the Weasleys had made for themselves in the Black manor which Harry had lent them whilst the burrow was rebuilt.

With as confident a smile as she could muster up, she pushed open the door to look at the witches and wizards, each of whom were covered in various burns and wounds. Wincing slightly at the state of them, she stepped inside, gently nudging the door shut as she did so.

Those in the room looked at her at the click of the door shutting behind her. "Hello," she spoke, her voice but a whisper and yet it sounded so loud in the silent room. "Who needs treatment first?"

Whilst she may not have seen the fight herself, she could tell from the state of the people alone that it had been bad. Whatever had happened almost killed them, and she could only be thankful they were alive.

Shaking morbid thoughts of death from her head, she scuttled over to Lupin who's arm, despite the pressure being applied, was bleeding prettily heavily. Hands pushing the rag away, she rested them just above the wound that stretched from wrist to the halfway point between elbow and hand.

Hands glowing green, she worked hard to seal his open wound, the man wincing as it stung slightly, but otherwise sat patiently throughout the treatment. With a grin, she looked up at him, instinctively running a body check for other wounds before speaking, "All good, Mr Lupin."

She grinned before shuffling towards Ginny whose forehead was quite severely burnt. But on her journey, she spotted Ron's worryingly dilated pupils. Cursing herself for not paying more attention, she moved quickly towards the boy who most likely had a brain injury.

Sakura worked tirelessly through the night, not even getting a moment's rest from the constant healing she performed on her unfortunate patients. By the time she reached the last person, she was incredibly impressed with the fact she was still awake right now.

With a sigh, she sealed up the few cuts and healed the occasional bruise on Mr Weasley before standing up. "If you don't need anything else, I really must go." 

The thought of getting caught by Voldemort terrified her. As far as the snake-man knew, she was completely on his side, but if he caught her here healing his enemies of all people, she was as good as dead.

Green eyes flickered across the newly healed people, waiting just a brief couple of seconds for someone to stop her before smiling. "Merry Christmas everyone." before her hands flickered and she disappeared from their sights once more. The only proof of her previous presence being the now uninjured people in the room.

"She's a good child," Molly whispered to her husband, the man simply nodding his head in response. The wounds previously on his body gone now, but the slight phantom pain that resided was evidence of the girl's own exhaustion.

The moment Sakura appeared in her bedroom, she tumbled onto her bed. Any previous embarrassment for showing up at the makeshift hospital in only her pyjamas long since gone. Now replaced with gratitude at the fact she could fall straight asleep. 

Of course, ideally, she would have washed off the blood, but chakra exhaustion waits for no-one, and she was lucky enough to have made it back to her room before collapsing. With a happy sigh, she snuggled into her pillow, duvet pulled taught to her chin before she dropped off to sleep.

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