Chapter 25

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For the briefest moment between the Death eaters being on the floor, Sakura turned to check on Harry. The boy-who-lived being surrounded by spirits, the relevance of said spirits were unknown to her, but she could only assume they were family. Sighing, she turned around again, keeping a wary emerald eye on the men who writhed around on the floor, grabbing at various injured body parts. 

Whilst it was clear that they were not good people, and Sakura by no means felt any remorse for what she'd done to them. She did feel a little bit of worry. The injuries she'd given them were complex. Yes, they were not life-threatening, but if anyone knew of her ability to literally cut somebody's internals up, without breaking the skin?  She'd become a potential threat, she'd foolishly brought future danger upon herself. And the only ones who knew of her strange powers were her enemies which made this problem all the worse. Either way, it was done now and she was definitely not healing them. She might need to heal Harry later and she was not one to chance the death of her allies to save her foes.

Backing away from them, she began to race towards Harry. The boy in question lowering his wand and cancelling out his spell. Grabbing his shoulder, she was about to bring him back when she heard him mutter a quiet, "Accio" the trophy rushing to his outstretched hand. Upon contact with the object, they disappeared from the graveyard. An uncomfortable sucking feeling making Sakura cringe in dislike as she landed on the grassy arena, vowing to never use magical transport again.

The applause could be heard for miles around as students got to their feet, cheering in excitement. But Harry appeared to be in a trance of sorts, the boy only now coming to the realisation as to what had just occurred. He'd seen death. He'd seen the Dark Lord, the man of nightmares, come to life again. 

And nobody would ever believe him. The raven-haired boy turned to look at the pink-haired girl beside him. No, she'd believe him. She'd seen it too. Sakura looked at the clearly shaken boy, a comforting smile making its way onto her face before she wrapped an arm under his shoulder to support him. The duo slowly making their way over to where the other champions were. Harry's green eyes instantly taking notice of Cedric who lay seemingly lifeless on the bench.

The moment Sakura got Harry settled, she instantly began to run a brief check-up, just to make sure it was just a few cuts and bruises. Sighing in relief at the lack of major injuries, she felt relaxed for the first time since this foolish tournament began. However, when the stress faded, the adrenaline which had been keeping her conscious, vanished as well. The lack of sleep and a serious case of chakra exhaustion had taken its toll on her body and she felt the fatigue catch up on her, the world around her spinning as it darkened and faded.

The crowd went dead silent as they saw the girl drop to the floor. Her pink hair rippling as the air rushed through it from the force of her descent. In all the years they'd known her, she'd never passed out. Or at least, they'd never seen it happen before. To them, she was this other-worldly, indestructible being. They'd forgotten the fact she too was human.

The moment he heard her thud on the floor, Draco began pushing through the dense crowds. A moment ago, he'd been frozen in horror, but now all he knew was to get closer. It was a very odd feeling for him, he'd never really cared about anyone. But this was different, Sakura had helped him, this was just him paying back favour! He didn't care about her or anything! Whatever the reason was, he soon found himself standing at the bottom of the stairs. Just watching from afar as Madame Pomphrey fussed over the unconscious girl.

Madame Pomphrey frowned as she checked over the girl. Whatever the matter was, she had no idea. It wasn't something she'd seen before, so she could only assume it was linked with her odd abilities. Instead, she motioned for Sakura to be transferred to the infirmary. Whilst they didn't know how long she'd been unconscious, they'd still look after her. After all, she was vital in helping treat patients. The miracle she'd performed with Cedric Diggory had only highlighted that fact.

The dismissal was simple, the champions too exhausted by the challenge they'd been set to perform simple tasks. Dumbledore announcing that they'd award the trophy to the winner tomorrow. That would give them time to check whether the port key element to it had been properly disabled and they wouldn't have any more problems. It also gave the champions to have time to have some well-deserved rest.

When Dumbledore finished his speech, the champions who could stand were quickly escorted from the stadium so that they would not be harassed by the hoards of curious students. Cedric, who's lack of consciousness meant he could not walk, was carried inside the school by his father. The elderly gentleman using a simple wingardium leviosa to bring his teenage son inside and up to the infirmary where his treatment could be continued. 

The moment Amos spotted the pale and unconscious Sakura, he hurried over to her bed before resting a folded piece of parchment on her bedside table. It was a simple thank you note with the promise of the Diggory family backing if it was ever required. Whilst the promise might be simple, for the Diggory family were not particularly rich, nor well-known. The intent was clear, they were very thankful for all she'd done to help save their much-beloved son. The man nodded to himself in pride before striding back to where his son lay, his hands clenched together as he waited not only for his son to wake up but for the arrival of his wife.

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