Chapter 22

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The final part of the Triwizard tournament would turn out to be one of the most horrific and mentally disrupting event to ever have taken place in the history of the tournament. The event would haunt those who took part for many years to come and there was honestly not a lot Sakura could do to help soothe their mental anguish.

If she'd been allowed to do so, she would probably ask for more security to have been put into place. But she was just a child and her voice was not one that would be heard by those who could change anything. Well, that and the fact that at that point in time, she'd had no idea as to what was actually going to happen inside that maze. 

For all she knew, it was just going to go smoothly. Or as smoothly as it could. Of course, there were always going to be injuries, accidents were unavoidable - especially when dealing with something as dangerous and potent as magic was. But as long as she could reduce them to as small an amount as possible, all would be well.

Either way, the day itself was unavoidable and when it finally rolled around, the sky itself cried out in anguish for those who'd fall that day. Had Sakura listened to her instincts more - despite them getting slightly rusty from disuse - maybe she could have stopped what was to happen. It was that feeling of guilt that would eat her up inside and make her truly vulnerable.

The students were applauding and dancing as the event began. A band playing as the competitors were marched out from beneath the stands on which stood the students. After Harry, the last one to step out appeared beside the podium, Dumbledore silenced the crowd. His command rippling through the air for all those to hear and causing them all to take their seats once more. "Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now, as Mr Diggory and Mr Potter," when both names are called out, students roar with excitement as they cheer on their classmates and friends. "are tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr Krum" the crowd sprung to life once more as the students from all schools showed their enthusiasm for the young quidditch player. "and Miss Delacour."

The sound of Dumbledore's voice once more calms the crowd down to a more tamed version of their excited cheers, "The first person to touch the cup will be the winner!" The crowd, all of whom had just returned to their seats, stood up to cheer loudly once more as Dumbledore went silent. "I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should, at any point, a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants! Gather around. Quickly!"

Dumbledore stepped down from his podium to address the four approaching teenagers and young adults. His voice was low and inaudible except to those few who were close enough to hear it. But to Sakura, who was seated in the audience -for she would not be needed just yet- it sounded like a mere mumble. She could potentially have enhanced her hearing, but she felt it not her place to know what he wished to say for eavesdropping could destroy trust faster than you could say "spy".

"Champions! Prepare yourselves! On the count of three. One!-" the old man was cut off by the sound of Filch setting off the canon a bit too soon. The mishap was soon forgotten by the cheering of crowds and the playing of the band. Then both Harry and Cedric disappeared into the large maze, the bushes closing behind them and sealing them away from sight.

What felt like a few baited breaths later, but in reality was much longer, the cannon sounded again. Almost completely drowned out by the sounds of excitement coming from the audience before Viktor Krum disappeared into the maze. The bushes hiding him from sight as well. Sakura was greatly worried for the boy. He'd seemed slightly off before going into the maze but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

Shortly after Krum went in, Fleur Delacour joined him and at last, all the champions had begun the challenge. The arena went silent as people watched on in fear. The nervousness of not knowing what would happen next eating away at their very soul. 

About an hour after they'd gone into the maze, the first cry for help appeared. Sakura rising to her feet and flickering straight into the maze. Due to her strange abilities, the anti-teleportation charms placed on the maze failed to block her meaning she was the best person to send inside. That, and she'd be able to provide the medical assistance required in efficient timing.

The sight she arrived to was definitely an odd one. The blonde girl was currently being absorbed by the nearby bush. Activating her chakra scalpel, she began to cut through the dense shrubbery until she'd successfully pulled the slightly fried girl out. Wrapping her arms under her body and knees and carefully supporting her neck, she flared her chakra, disappearing from the maze.

The arena went dead silent as Sakura appeared seemingly out of nowhere, the first fallen in her arms. The watched on as she lowered the girl, hands glowing green as she screamed for somebody to get Mme Pomphrey. The witch would have to be here in case another needed fetching from within.

Assistance came within seconds and as Sakura worked away at healing the burns, Mme Pomphrey worked at putting out the smouldering cloth, skin and flesh. The process seemed to have just begun when Sakura had to leave Mme Pomphrey to return to the maze. The sparks didn't come this time, she just followed her instincts to find an unconscious Krum on the ground. The moment she noticed something wrong, she'd given him a little portion of her chakra, something she'd also given to Harry -the boy had a taste for trouble! Appearing beside the Durmstrang boy before removing him from the maze as well.

It was all going reasonably well when she felt her chakra on Harry sudden be removed from the maze. Standing up suddenly, ignoring the surprised looks from those who surrounded her, she turned to Dumbledore, "Harry's not in the maze. I'm going to him now." was all she said before closing her eyes and reaching out for her missing chakra, her body disappearing once more from the arena, only this time, she left Hogwarts too.

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