Chapter 23

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The place in which Sakura then found herself was unnerving to say the very least. But then again, what graveyard wasn't? It also was not the sort of place that the pink-haired girl would have thought Harry Potter would have disappeared off to, after all, he was 'the-boy-who-lived'. Either way, she had been extremely lucky to have arrived within the first 10 minutes of the instant death curse - Avada Kedavra - was performed. Any good medic would be aware of the fact that these 10 minutes were key, should a professional be there within the 1hr, survival rates rose, but 10 minutes would increase those odds even more.

Back pressed against one of the many gravestones, Sakura tried to think of a way in which she could get close to the body without being spotted. From the state the boy was in, she could only assume she'd be killed the moment she was spotted. 

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes to settle her racing heart before lifting the jacket she wore off of her shoulders, placing it on the floor, just above her hands. She then looked over the gravestone before whispering, "Summoning Jutsu!" the smoke of the jutsu being contained by the jacket as a small slug appeared underneath it. Lifting the item of clothing, she pressed her finger to her index finger to her lips, her other hand silently pointing at Cedric's body.

Noticing what she wanted, Katsuyu nodded before slowly moving towards the body, her small slug-like body making the movement unnoticeable. Slowly climbing onto the dead boy's body she moved underneath his collar to both hide herself and allow herself direct contact to his skin so she could access his carotid artery. Quickly pushing both her own and Sakura's chakra into the boy's blood vessels, she began to force the blood around, watching as another Katsuyu mini joined her.

Soon, all the key points in the boy's body were covered in slugs, each pumping him full of healing chakra as they rushed to start-up his systems again. They spell would cause one instant death, that fact was undeniable, but it was also known that people could be resuscitated and come back to life. Now, Sakura had never tried to combat death-causing magic before, so she had no idea if he would die again, or something else, but she had to at least try.

Harry, on the other hand, had since noticed those little slugs on his dead friend's body. Watching them carefully, he was surprised to notice that they weren't brown or black like a normal slug, but white and blue. They also appeared to be glowing. The boy-who-lived could barely hold back his slight smile at the fact Sakura had arrived. Moving his eyes away from Cedric's body, he began to act as though nothing had changed.

The moment the slugs had managed to get Cedric's body going well enough to move him, Sakura made a couple of clones to watch over Harry before changing her own appearance to that of a slug. Shuffling over to the boy, she made contact before transferring herself back to the main arena.

The place was dead silent for a few seconds as they took in the sight in front of them. Their much loved Hufflepuff champion lying dead on the floor, a bunch of strange-looking slugs covering him. Suddenly, one of the slugs let out smoke before revealing a familiar pink-haired girl. "I'm going to shock him," she told the slugs clearly before her hands moved to his chest, pressing on the skin, she channelled a sharp amount of electrical chakra into his system, waited and shocked him again.

It seemed like it was at that moment that the audience finally noticed what had happened. Leaping to their feet, Hogwarts students leapt to their feet, shoving to see if they can get closer. Cedric's father pushing forwards to see his son, his voice loud and worried as he asked her questions at an incredible rate. But Sakura ignored him with practised ease, whilst it was distracting and she knew he was just worried - it was important that she didn't loose focus. Losing focus could mean losing the chance to return a life. "Katusyu, we need air in his lungs, can you get to work on that please, I'm going to give him another shock on the count of three, then we are going to initiate CPR, understood?" 

The slug to her right nodded her head before shuffling around, moving towards the boys lungs to assist the slug there. "3...2...1..." the slugs stilled for a millisecond as electricity travelled to the boy's heart before they returned to work. Sakura's hands meshed together as she began to press on Cedric's chest, her arms laced with chakra as she pushed with practised efficiency.

Sakura performed CPR for what felt like a eternity, but in reality was a matter of minutes before Cedric finally took in a shaky breath. Eyes shifting to the two Katsuyu working on his lungs, she watched as they nodded to her. That was his own movement. Pulling her hands away from his chest she fell backwards, lying flat on the floor as she panted heavily. A laugh chocked through her throat as she felt relief floor through her system. Sitting upright, she turned to the dead-now-alive boy who remained unconscious as she pushed him into recovery position. Her right hand moving to check his pulse was consistent before turning to Madame Pomphrey, "Mr Diggory is stable, however, he may relapse, he was hit with a killing curse, however he has been successfully resuscitated." Eyes landed on the exhausted female in front of them, she seemed almost other-worldly at that moment. How could someone of their world save someone from instant death? Shaking the thought from their minds, they applauded the girl.

Madame Pomphrey approached Cedric and Sakura, "Very well done Sakura, however, we are going to have to keep constant vigilance on him for the next 48 hours. Nobody has ever been hit by the killing curse and lived to tell the tale so we have no idea what might happen." Sakura looked surprised at the woman before turning back to Cedric, an overwhelming amount of pride filling her as she looked at the unconscious boy in front of her. She was the first. The first person to ever have saved somebody from the killing curse and she felt very proud of it.

Suddenly, her clone appeared in front of her, eyes wide in fright, "It's Harry, he's stuck in a duel! It's serious!" Sakura nodded before disappearing from sight.

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