Chapter 1

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A pair of green eyes flickered open before snapping shut, disliking the bright light that burnt at their fragile retina. A groan elicited from the girl's throat as she flung an arm haphazardly across her face in an attempt to shade them. Suddenly, the girl shot upright, wincing at the pain in her chest and stomach. 

"I see yer' awake lass. You were in pretty bad shape when I found ya. Any longer an' Pomfrey said you might not 'ave made it." The girl turned to look at the hulking great man on her right. He spoke in a strange language, one she didn't understand but his tone was gentle so it couldn't have been negative. Sakura gave him a weak smile before shuffling into a more comfortable position. 

Looking down at her wound, she flared her chakra a bit causing a green light to flicker around her wound. The man leapt backwards in shock at the sight of the green light, calling out as he did so. The chair he was sitting on clattered to the floor as the curtains around the girl's bed were flung open.

"What is it this time Hagrid?" The woman who'd just entered the 'room' was an elderly woman with a domineering aurora about her. She turned to look at the girl who was causing Hagrid to react like he did, "Good to see your awake, miss." She was about to queue for the girl's name when she noticed the glowing light. Her eyes widened in shock as the wounds surrounded by said light quickly disappeared from sight. 

Sakura turned to look at the woman before tilting her head in confusion, "I'm sorry miss, but I do not understand what you are suggesting." The two people in the room with her frowned in confusion. The language the strange girl spoke was odd indeed, one neither of them had ever come across before. The woman turned to Hagrid muttering a quick, "I'll get Albus" before disappearing from sight.

Sakura stared at the glowing light which had begun to flicker before fading away completely. She frowned in confusion, she could have sworn she was normally able to heal that sort of wound with ease. 

That was when she noticed how short her body appeared to be, the outfit that was normally tight around her body, baggy and almost uncomfortably loose. Lifting her hands up to her face, she carefully felt the structure, her hair was long and her face still had an infantile layer of body fat. Her eyes widened as she let out a shriek of shock. She was a child again! 

The man next to her looked at her in shock and confusion, "What's wrong?" but Sakura wasn't thinking straight, all she could mutter was, "I'm a child again... I'm a child again..." no matter what, she couldn't stop, the shock was really getting to her. 

Suddenly, the infirmary doors opened again to reveal the old lady with an elderly gentleman with her. "Here she is Albus." The man turned to look at the pink-haired girl in the bed in front of him. "As you can see, she appears to speak a foreign language." 

The older man nodded his head, "Indeed she does, by the sounds of it though, it holds a great resemblance to Japanese. No worries. We'll teach her English." The woman nodded her head in agreement before hurrying over to the girl to check over her wounds. The light appeared to have disappeared leaving nothing but a small hole as a reminder of the wound that was once there. 

"You're a healer?" the girl in front of her tilted her head in confusion, she'd ceased her mutterings not long after the woman had returned to the room and was currently just watching them. Albus thought to himself for a moment before muttering "Accio dictionary."

Sakura watched in shock as a book came flying toward the elderly gentleman. Wherever she was, she certainly wasn't in the 5 great nations. That was something no ninja could do. "Healer?" her head shot up as she recognised the word spoken by the man. The accent was certainly strange and the pronunciation of the word was awkward but she was able to more or less make sense of the word. 

"Yes. Could you please tell me where I am? Who are you?" Her rapid Japanese-like language was hard for Albus to understand - especially when he had to look up each word individually. A few minutes later, Albus was able to completely translate the questions before hesitantly replying. "Hello, my name is Albus Dumbledore and you are currently in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. What is your name?

The man couldn't be bothered to translate the entire title of the school, the dictionary didn't really have any terms for magical beings. Sakura tilted her head in confusion, most of his words made little to no sense to her, but she had a feeling even if it wasn't in his strange language, she still wouldn't understand. 

She hesitated for a moment in answering the question, her training told her not to tell him her name, but her instincts told her otherwise. He trusted her with his name, why shouldn't she with her own. Besides, she felt an overwhelming feeling to trust him, and if he betrayed her, she'd silence him. "My name is Sakura Haruno." Albus smiled at the girl, eyes wrinkling at the edges as he did so.

"How about we help you learn some English then." the way he spoke was still awkward and there were many brief pauses between words as he flicked through the pages, but after a while, he managed to get used to some of the words. 

"Now, why don't you stay with Hagrid here in his hut. You look quite young and he will look after you for now. Does that sound okay?" The man indicated the giant next to him as the girl nodded her head in agreement. 

The man snapped the book shut before passing it to the giant, "She is going to be staying with you for now. She is expected to have lessons daily on speaking English and I want her fluent by the time term starts this year." 

Hagrid nodded his head before picking up his pink umbrella and indicating to Sakura that he expected her to follow him out of the infirmary. Sakura felt as a smile makes its way onto her face, this was it, her second chance at life and there was no way she was going to let it get away again.

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