Chapter 52

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Sakura watched as Harry approached Professor McGonagall, her eyes following the boy-who-lived for all of 5 seconds before they shifted elsewhere. Now she searched the Slytherins, green eyes flickering as they took in every green-wearing student's face, but every time, she turned up empty-handed. Where was he?

She turned her attention away from the departing students to notice the Deputy Head had finished talking to Potter. "Take as much time as you need, I'll secure the castle." The boy already on his way back to the group when she called out, "Potter, it's good to see ya." she offered him a hesitant smile. 

"Its good to see you too Professor," he replied before turning to walk away once more. "Hold the fort Nevil," he muttered as he passed the boy who nodded in reply before disappearing through the crowds and out the hall.

But Sakura had little interest in the departure of Harry Potter, nor in the departure of his closest friends who chased after him. Instead, she looked up at McGonagall, "There are going to be injured, I'll need to set up a place for them to be treated." the transfiguration professor nodded, "I know a place."


Sakura stared out the shattered window of her make-shift medic bay and into the large courtyard. Her pink hair was tied tightly at the back of her head, it was just long enough to stay in a ponytail, but a few pink whisps escaped her. She watched in awe as large statue knights marched into the courtyard. She watched as the adults began chanting, a large sheet beginning to descend upon the school.

Turning her attention away from preparations, she began some of her own. She had only just begun to pull bottles and tins of potions and lotions from her bag when Madame Pomfrey entered the room. "Sakura!" she cried out happily at the sight of her protege, "its good to see you again deary." she smiled as she drew the young woman into a hug, Sakura looked up at her with teary eyes, "It's good to see you too."

It was calm for a moment before the storm began. The large shield protecting the school suddenly under heavy artillery. The loud explosions ricocheting off the barrier and echoing around the school.

Sakura took a deep breath to calm herself, it'll all be okay, she told herself mentally. The words being repeated in her mind like a broken record, it'll all be okay. 


Sakura sat up suddenly, a bad feeling suddenly washing over her. "I have to go," she mumbled, her hands shaking as she grabbed a few potions. "Where are you going?" Pomfrey asked nervously, "I don't know."

Sakura found herself waiting outside a boat shack, her breaths carefully measured to remain silent as she heard a muffled conversation ongoing inside. She recognised the voices, and the inaudible words sent a chill running down her spine.

Then she heard Voldemort speak louder, "Nagini, Kill." her eyes glistened with unshed tears, she winced at each of the solid thuds, knowing exactly what was happening at each sound.

It took a moment for her to regain herself, following Harry into the room, her green eyes filled with sadness as she saw Snape lying there dying. She was quick to spring into action, hands shaking as she searched for something to help him, "Sakura." Snape called weakly, focusing on her now that he'd finished talking to Harry, "Sakura" he tried again.

"Not now Severus," she choked, struggling to find words through her tears, "Sakura." he tried one more time, his hand moving to rest gently on her shoulder, "It's my time Sakura, I want to go." he mumbled, tears creating down his face, "I'm afraid, you know, of dying, and yet I've never been more at peace than I have at this moment. Let me go, it'll be okay." Sakura's eyes flickered up to meet his own dark ones.

"Let me go," he said quietly before his arm went limp, and his eyes were glazed over. Sakura screamed, "No!" her body shook violently as Ron tugged gently at her, "No! Come back, I can help you. It'll all be okay." Hermione gently placed her vials back into her bag as Ron pulled her away from Snape's cooling body.

The trio watched the grieving girl for a moment, Snape's last words to them ringing in their minds. Harry glanced down at the vial in his hand, Snape's tears resting at the bottom as the realisation that things may be different from how he once thought washed over his mind. Had he hated a good man?

Everything went silent once more for yet another hissed announcement from Voldemort, "You have fought valiantly. But in vain... in vain... in vain... I do not wish this... wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilt is a terrible waste. I, therefore, command my forces to retreat, in their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity... dignity."

"Harry Potter. I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you, rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonour, join me in the forbidden forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman and child, who tries to conceal you from me."

Sakura stood shell-shocked for a moment before the trance she was trapped in released her. "I must go now." she mumbled, taking her bag from Hermione's arms, "there are lives that are yet to be lost, and I must stop that." she hesitated for a moment, looking down once more at Snape's body, closing his eyes gently and with a sad smile, she turned once more to Harry.

"Do not let his death, and everyone else's be in vain Harry. You'll know what you need to do when the time comes. The right path may not be easy, and it may just be the one that is least terrible. But I know you'll be able to do it when it comes. Good luck in the battles to come, and remember, the outcome is yet to be decided." she gave him a smile and a pat on the back before disappearing into a puff of smoke.

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