Chapter 7

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By the time the next year had rolled around, Sakura Haruno couldn't help the feeling of overwhelming excitement bubbling up inside her. As amusing as her summer at the beautiful Hogwarts was, it was rather lonely being the only person her age there. So instead, she busied herself with looking after the unicorn she found the year before. But after only a few days of rehabilitation, the unicorn had become quite grouchy. As much as it appreciated the girl's help in saving his life, the prospect of being stuck in hagrid's small garden was rather disheartening. But by the end of the summer, Sakura had begun to allow the unicorn to leave the garden as long as it remained more or less within her eyesight.

Sakura was introduced to Sir Guilderoy Lockhart and her opinion on his was by no means positive. If she was honest, the man was a show-off and brag. Something she disliked greatly. He'd taken a great interest in the little pink-haired female, but she didn't humor him with stories to steal. Instead, she often found herself avoiding the blonde whenever possible. Not that he noticed, the stuck-up man simply believed that she was so overwhelmed by him, that she avoided him. So she instead took to setting up pranks to keep him within his room. They started off as just gusts of wind that were triggered when he passed, knocking the man over. But they later began fireballs aimed at his head-level or giant water dragons which would chase him down the corridors. She couldn't help but begin to feel a sense of enjoyment from the clear irritation the man was getting from all these pranks.

Only a few days into the term and Sakura decided to pay Hagrid a visit, well, that's what she told everyone, but really, Lockart wouldn't go anywhere near the giant's hut being too close to the forest. But when she arrived, Sakura couldn't help but find the situation mildly funny. She'd stumbled upon a rather distressed Golden trio and they had a reason to be, Ron was throwing up slugs. Not the type she'd begun to get used to, Lady Katsuyu, instead they were ugly dark brown things and he was spitting them out into a bucket. Sakura had not been impressed but had offered to give healing him a go. She sent a shock of chakra into his body which burnt away at his magic reserves. Not enough to do any harm to the boy, but enough that if he freaked he wouldn't be able to send a jinx her way. She then sent another wave of chakra into the boy's stomach, burning away at the magic there to neutralize the spell, "I've healed it as best as I can, but I would recommend going to Madame Pomfrey for a check-up. You won't be able to use magic for a couple of hours though." Ron gave the girl a queasy smile, his previously paper-white face slowly regaining colour at the prospect of not having to throw up any more slugs. "Anyway, Hagrid, I was going to hang out with you to catch-up, but it appears that you are busy so I'm going to go out and check on Hikari, he'll be able to return to the forest on his own next week, I'm just making sure that the week he spent in just now didn't cause any more flare ups. Goodbye now." Hagrid smiled and gave the girl a nod, her accent was still significant but you could tell what she was trying to say quite clearly. Most accents would have disappeared by now, but he had a feeling that she wanted to keep it as a last memory of her past. Then the pink-haired girl disappeared, all that remained was a stick that clattered to the floor.

Sakura smiled at the unicorn in front of her, since returning to the forest, the animal still rather hostile if she was not careful enough. She reached up, gently offering her hand so it could recognise her scent before her hand brushed along the smooth neck of the graceful animal. Her hand then flashes green, her chakra sinking into the animal's body and seeking for any injuries that she would need to know about. She felt a grin creep onto her face at the fact the unicorn had made a full recovery. "All better." The unicorn whinnied happily, as though it understood what it was that she was trying to say.

"Hey, Hikari. Would you like to become a summoning for me?" She whispered into the animal's light mane, the animal snorted loudly, "Of course, it means that if I need you, I will be able to bring you to wherever I am. Not just that, but you would be able to live in a realm where you would be unable to receive anymore injuries. If I were to send you there, you'd also be able to make much quicker recoveries as well. We'd also be able to communicate better. There may be some other side-affects as you are a magical being rather than just an ordinary cat or dog." The unicorn scuffed its foot against the ground before rearing onto its hindlegs and turning to look over its shoulder in an anxious manor. Sakura looked hesitantly over the animal's shoulder in an attempt to see what might be bothering it, but couldn't make anything out in the dark forest. Sighing she looked up into its warm brown eyes, it nickered softly to the girl. She grinned at the creature before drawing out a quill and slip of paper from her pocket. Humming to herself as she drew out a summoning circle. She quickly reached out for the unicorn's foot, "I need a bit of your blood if you do not mind." the unicorn practically scowled at her, but complied and offered her the hoof. She carefully made a small incision in the soft flesh in the middle of the hoof, silver blood dripping as the unicorn stepped on the circle. She then removed the hoof, hand flashing green quickly as the wound disappeared. She then slit her palm open with her blade, dripping her own blood on the seal. She watched as the blood mixed before sinking into the seal. She watched as the unicorn suddenly disappeared from sight, so it did work!

Brushing the mud off of her knees, she disappeared from the forest as well, not noticing her audience as she did so.

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