Chapter 4

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Over the following week, Sakura began to adjust to her new role as assistant to Snape. She followed him around on a daily basis and he walked her through some of the basic information she'd need to know before working in his classroom. As the week came to a close, Sakura couldn't help but feel excited at the prospect of a new year.

Sakura practically bounced up to Severus on the morning of the first day. The older man groaning in annoyance at her excitement. "No, if your so desperate, you can go down with Hagrid." Sakura frowned in annoyance at the old man, muttering something about him being 'a grouchy old man with no ability to have fun' before disappearing from sight.

When Sakura arrived at Hagrid's hut, she was excited to see him getting ready to leave, he normally would leave later but he had to stop by Harry's house first to pick the boy up. "Can I come with you to the station Hagrid?" The tall man nodded in response before heading off, Sakura in tow. The pair walked in silence but it was not uncomfortable, in fact, Sakura was thankful that they were not conversing. Sakura, instead, entertained herself with the edge of her glove. They had been a gift from Snape after he found out about her incredible punching power. When she told him about the times she'd completely shredded her knuckles in training, he invested in buying her a pair of thick, dragon skin, fingerless gloves to wear.

It was evening when the train pulled into the station. Hagrid was quick to begin calling out for the first years whilst Sakura stayed hidden behind him, hoping not to get trampled by the hoards of students who were getting off of the train. "Hello Harry", Sakura perked up at the sound of Hagrid's voice, she recognized the name as well, Snape had brought it up on occasion but the man appeared to not be fond of the boy. "Hi Hagrid" The voice was young and slightly higher in pitch than Sakura expected, he was clearly not very old and that made Sakura even more curious to meet him. But Sakura missed her chance when Hagrid began to address all the first years, "This way to the boats. Come on now, follow me." he spoke clearly and quickly before turning and leading the children over to a fleet of self-steering boats. The concept excited Sakura, she'd never seen anything quite like it before. However, shortly after docking, Hagrid directed the students inside and the Sakura was dragged inside the castle a different route than the rest of the children. Sakura frowned, she didn't even get to meet anyone!

Sakura watched excitedly as the doors to the great hall swung open and the first years entered, funnel down the central aisle towards the sorting hat. Her emerald eyes scanned over the large group of people in front of her. She quickly straightened up at the sound of Mcgonagall's voice, "Now, before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words." The sound of clothing shuffling and Dumbledore's chair scratching against the floor slightly as he stood up, was all that filled the otherwise silent room.

"I have a few start-of-term notices I wish to announce. In the first years, please note that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also, our caretaker, Mr Filch," the man raised his arm to indicate the man at the back of the hall, there was something about him that Sakura didn't like, but who was she to judge? "Has asked me to remind you that the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side, is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death. Another topic I would like to bring to your attention is the presence of yet another person on the High Table. Now, you may or may not have noticed Miss Sakura Haruno at the end of the table seated next to Professor Snape." The man indicated at Sakura who gave a small smile, standing up for the entire hall to see. Whispers filled the air as people discussed her young age and rather abnormal appearance. She lifted her gloved hand and gave them all an awkward wave. "She will be joining us until further notice as an assistant to Professor Snape so please give her a warm welcome. You may have noticed her young age and whilst she is most likely younger than you, that does not mean she is below you. Think of her and treat her as though she was a member of staff, as that is what she is. Understood? Thank you." The headmaster of the school reclaimed his seat as McGonagall began to address the first years once more.

"Now when I call your name, you will come forth. I shall place the sorting hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses." The woman glanced down at the scroll in her hand before calling out names one at a time and placing the hat on their heads.

After the first few people had been called up, Sakura found herself zoning out of the long process. Her attention returned when she heard McGonagall tapping on her glass, "Your attention, please." She watched in excitement as Dumbledore stood up and declared, "Let the feast begin." She watched in blatant surprise as food appeared all around the room. But it was the ghosts who truly gave her a fright. Snape turned to the shocked girl in confusion, how she was still not used to the spiritual beings was beyond him, but she was usually so emotionless seeing the look of shock on her face was new to him.

When the feast was finally over, an exhausted Sakura trudged back to the quarters she'd been assigned when she was officially announced as a member of staff at Hogwarts. It gave her an excellent view of the forest, a fact she was best pleased about.

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