Chapter 44

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It wasn't long after that incident that Sakura saw Ron again. The ginger boy had been rushed into the hospital wing by Professor Slughorn and Harry Potter. Ron himself was completely unconscious, unaware of the chaos and fear that surrounded his resting body.

"Put him down on that bed over there," Sakura said the moment they entered, her green eyes filled with worry for the boy. Madame Pomphrey had arrived on scene seconds later, the ruckus going on outside causing her to exit the storage room in a hurry.

"What happened?" Sakura was quick to ask, her hands shifting over the boy to see if she could find the cause of the problem. "We don't know, he just started frothing at the mouth and convulsing. I managed to stop that and now he's asleep I think. But we figured it was best to bring him anyway."

Sakura hummed to herself, the small traces of poison that lingered in his blood were quickly latching on and destroying the boy's internals. Whatever antidote Harry had given him had certainly helped, but the poison was clearly a tricky one.

"Alright, you did the right thing, I just need to remove the rest of the poison before too much is absorbed by the organs. Can you fetch me this please?" Sakura removed one hand to hurriedly scrawl a list of this world versions of the old herbs and liquids she used to use.

Madame Pomphrey collected the list from the girl, moving towards the storage closet to collect the equipment she'd requested. Sakura then looked up at Harry, "I know you're worried for him, but if you could fetch Dumbledore please, he'll want to investigate."

Harry's fearful eyes flickered to look at the focused girl. His worry for his best friend was stressing him out, but he knew better than to argue with her now. Not with his friend's life quite literally in her hands.

"Here you go, Sakura." Madame Pomphrey shifted the lamp off the bedside table, quickly replacing it with the required ingredients. Turning away from Ron, she quickly began to put the recipe together. It was easier to do this herself, for now, Madame Pomphrey had likely never made one before, and the risk was too high to chance.

The moment she was done, she turned to look at the Harry who was returning with some of their friends. "Can you hold him down please, he won't like this, but no matter what, don't let him move. At all." her tone was serious and firm, leaving no room for question.

The group quickly moved to hold him down, arms and legs pinned to the bed as Sakura began the fiddly procedure on him. The yellowish liquid being forced into his body from the chest as she began to shift it around inside of him. Ideally, this would have been done before the antidote was given so the antidote purged the remaining poison, but there was no time now.

Carefully, she began to remove what poison remained in his body. Sweat beading on her forehead as she focused solely on what was going on inside his body. This was one of the hardest things to do, after all, it called for such delicate hands, and yet you couldn't see what was actually happening.

Finally deeming there being enough toxins in the liquid, she began to pull it out his body. The others watching as the droplets of black toxins floated in the fluid. "I reckon I should do a couple more before we stop, just to make sure," she muttered to herself before moving to assemble more of the mixture.

At some point during this, Dumbledore arrived in the infirmary. The murmurs of voices just making it into Sakura's ears, but her brain didn't process them, so murmurs were all they remained.

Besides, it was most likely that they were simply discussing the poison and why Ron had taken it. Of course, Sakura really doubted he'd knowingly taken it, Ron just didn't seem like that sort of person. Which is probably why Professor Slughorn was currently passing around a bottle of what she could only assume was alcohol.

Not that that was much better, after all, Ron and Harry were still growing, and alcohol was not good for them. Particularly at that age.


Sakura's head jerked up as she jumped, strands of pink-hair going flying as she was pushed out the way. A frantic blonde panicking loudly as she fussed over Ron. 

"Excuse me," Sakura said as she pushed her out the way, chakra instantly reaching out to find the fluid in his body. This was certainly going to be a challenge, if she wasn't careful, she could leave some behind, or accidentally remove blood.

Pulling the liquid from his body, Ron convulsing and groaning in pain loudly as she did so. Eyes instantly focusing on how much of the liquid she'd removed. If it wasn't all out, then poison may have been left behind as well.

Sighing in relief at the sight of it all being there, she moved to scan his system once more. The liquid was mostly clear, which hopefully meant it was all out. 

Her scans only proving her thoughts correct as she drew her hands away, green lights flickering out as she stumbled backwards. Exhaustion got the better of her as she collapsed on the bed behind her.

Eyes closing as she ignored the obnoxious arguing going on over Ron's newly healed body. Something about him being somebody's friend, or something. Not that she cared, she wanted to sleep, she'd been on the night shift last night. Which meant that she had gotten only an hours sleep before having help Madame Pomphrey out with a group of students who'd fallen from their brooms after flying too high.

Sometimes being a medic at Hogwarts was frustrating, but it was moments like this one that really counted. She'd really helped them today, now it was up to the others--

She jerked upright, the bed groaning at her sudden movements. All signs of previous exhaustion disappearing from her face as she turned to look at the bowls beside her.

"The poison!"

Hey, so I'm really sorry that I just haven't been updating, but I've been in exams. :(
But to try and make up for it, I've done a double update as my apology, so sorry.

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