Chapter 14

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On the day that Buckbeak was to be executed, Sakura decided to head down to Hagrid's hut. She greatly pitied the man, any animal he had was always taken away from him, alive or in death. But when she exited the tunnel to walk down the hill, she what she came across gave her quite the shock. Hermione was stood, wand pressed up against Draco's throat as the boy whimpered in fear. Harry and Ron both standing back, trying to calm the raging female down verbally whilst Draco's followers remained silent in fear of the wand being turned on them.

"Okay guys, I'm sure there would be a much better way to figure this out." the sound of Sakura's Japanese accent drew all eyes towards the girl. Draco made direct eye contact - something Sakura didn't experience a lot anymore, not ever now that she thought about it - this made her feel almost thankful to the boy. For once, his pride was something beneficial as she appreciated strength in not only herself but others as well. Approaching the group, she calmly pushed Hermione's wand down, "Now, now... No magic allowed. If you don't mind, I'm going to go comfort Hagrid now." She gave them a small smile before wandering off down the hill.

Hermione frowned, lowering the wand. She knew better than to anger the other girl, Lockhart was proof she was not to be messed with. But there was something about her phrasing that confused her, she only said no magic, nothing about physical attacks. Maybe that was just because she had her wand out, but it still confused the girl greatly.

When Hermione was began to turn away, Draco began to laugh. The boy, now his life was no longer in danger, found it rather amusing that the girl was afraid to hurt him. But it was his amusement that agitated the girl, whipping around, she slammed her clenched fist into the boy's face, breaking his nose with relative ease. The boy groaned in pain, "Malfoy, are you okay? Let's go. Quick." one of his friends said as he nudged Draco back to the castle entrance then the group fled "Not a word to anyone, understood?"

Unknown to them, Sakura smirked to herself. So Hermione had gotten the hint, had she. Although Sakura had begun to take an interest in the blonde boy, that didn't excuse any rudeness to the golden trio, regardless of his background. She then continued her walk down to the hut.

The golden trio, despite arriving shortly after Sakura, had to leave before her anyway. They were not allowed to stay out at night, nor did Hagrid want them to see his beloved hippogriff dying. But Sakura paid little attention to them, instead, choosing to play with the baby Acromantula that was stamping on the floor of his hut. The pink-haired female cooing quietly as she petted the small animal. When Cornelius and Dumbledore, along with the executioner, entered, the young girl took no notice, instead just choosing to entertain herself and the spider.

She finally turned and looked up when the small party left the hut. Quietly following after them, Sakura took an interest in the strange sight she saw before her. On the one hand, the golden trio was running up the hill, back to Hogwarts, however, Hermione and Harry were currently stealing Buckbeak. She must be seeing things... Shaking her head, she gave Hagrid a hug before heading back up to the castle herself. Maybe a good night sleep would help with the hallucinations.

On her way back to her quarters, she decided to drop into the infirmary. Madame Pomphrey will have gone to bed by now, but if she hadn't it was because she needed help packing up. Feeling bad for not being more useful on the day of the dreaded quidditch match, she was working extra hard to complete her qualifications. That meant she needed to be working hard in the infirmary and had barely been in all day.

To her greatest surprise, the person she'd found waiting outside was none other than Draco Malfoy himself. Apparently, Hermione's punch had done a lot more damage then originally thought and after leaving it aching for several hours, he'd decided to go to the infirmary for help only to find nobody there.

Sakura had ended up healing it enough for the boy to be able to breathe properly once more. but after noticing the severe damage to the nasal system, had decided to hold him overnight. She found herself distrustful of attempting anything that could go badly wrong because of her 'hallucination' earlier that day. She was worried that he'd stop being able to breath in his sleep or something and none of his friends could be trusted to bring him down. He'd come alone for heavens' sake! So she sat by his bed the entire night, they'd just talked about random things, their pasts and their plans for the future as well as everything in between.

When Madame Pomphrey arrived the following morning, she was rather surprised to find the pair in the infirmary. However, after receiving an explanation, she agreed with Sakura's decision to wait for her. While Sakura was definitely a very talented medic -there was no denying it- if she was having hallucinations like she'd been having, it was probably a good thing she didn't do anything other than open his airways. When she looked in greater detail at the injury, she instantly scolded the boy. This entire situation would have been solvable had he have just come to her immediately. The force of him trying to breathe harder to receive the right amount of air had simply ended up damaging it more which caused him to be in the state he was in.

After giving the boy a slap on the hand, she allowed him to leave, Sakura going with him as Madame Pomphrey got worried as the girl wobbled on her feet. She wasn't going to be of much use if she could barely keep her eyes open anyway.

So the two teenagers, exhausted from their long night, find themselves teetering back to the corridor of which Sakura's quarter were. They'd decided Draco should stay the day to sleep there as his dorm was going to be loud with all the students going in and out of it all the time. So Sakura quickly set him up a futon (something he wasn't very used to) and left him to sleep in her living room.


When the end of the year came, she was slightly saddened by the fact they had just lost yet another Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Whilst she never really knew the man as such, it was still quite upsetting to see him go. She'd heard rumours about the reasoning as well and it all seemed quite unfair. Why should he suffer because of something he could not control? He didn't choose to become a werewolf, so why is he being persecuted because of it?

Either way, it was time for Professor Lupin, the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, in the years of 1993-94, at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry to leave. And unlike the students, he was not to be returning in any of the following years.

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