Chapter 18

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It was at night that the dragons arrived, Hagrid, after some serious conversing with Sakura, he managed to convince her to give them a hand with putting out fires and keeping them calm. To say she was hesitant at first was the understatement of the century, but after hearing they were also the same people looking after Norbet, she happily went down. If only to find out how the small dragon was coping.

The dragons themselves weren't too scary, but that was probably because she'd overthought the entire situation. She ended up having quite a bit of fun with them, it was good practise of water jutsus anyway and she would seriously miss them when they left. Her personal favourite was the Hungarian Horntail, everyone spoke of how terrifying it was, but shoot a few water dragons at it and knock it out cold a few more and it went from rampaging war machine to cute as a kitten.

The following day, she was walking through the main courtyard of Hogwarts, her clothing stil slightly smoldering from one of the bush fires she was slightly slow on putting out. Her normally calm face becoming one of worry when she saw Mad-eye turn Draco into a weasel. She knew he was bad news, but this was pushing it. Blatantly attacking a student? Anger welled up inside of her as she approached the small group, shoving others out of her way as she walked her warpath. Unknown to her, the crowd that had begun to build-up was made of other school's students, not just the harry-hating Hogwarts students. But she cared not for what school they came from. Her green eyes were ablaze with hatred as she stood in front of Mad-eye.

"Get away from him." she practically growled in anger at the one-eyed man. He gave her a mocking smile, doubting her abilities. The other Hogwarts students who'd been watching instantly taking multiple steps backwards. After the second year, they were rather frightened of the female. "I said... Back.Off."She growled, McGonagall arrived as she was speaking, the older lady approaching, "Alaster, I'd highly recommend releasing the ferret... Is that a student?!" her voice rising in both volume and pitch as she spoke, eyes landing on the ferret the man was tormenting.

Sakura suddenly flashed in front of the man, grabbing him by the collar and body-slamming the man into the ground, shattering it beneath him. "If I find you messing with students again, your a dead man and you won't be the first, understand?" she gave him an eery smile, eyes glinting dangerously as she picked the ferret out of Crabbe's trousers and placing him in front of McGonagall for her to change him back. She gave the blonde boy a smile before he fled the courtyard, Crabbe and Goyle following after him. Sakura turned once more to Moody, "One more chance." was all she said before heading over towards Harry and grabbing him by the collar, "We need to talk."

Eyes watched as the pink-haired girl went from a raging female to the cheerful Sakura they'd gotten used to. The few non-Hogwarts students slightly unnerved by the girl whilst Moody smirked after her. Her strength could come in handy if she were on his side. McGonagall's voice withdrew the man from his thoughts, "Now, attack another student and you'll be in a lot more trouble than having to take on Sakura. For now though, just go see Madame Pomphrey, check your bones are in good shape. Your lucky your still conscious." then the woman turned on her heel, going to hunt down and scold Sakura, regardless of the situation, if she kept this up, they were going to have more injured teachers than uninjured.


The day after the fight with Mad-eye, Sakura found herself, once more, in a medical tent. This time, however, she was to help all the champions who were to compete in the tournament. Sakura watched the competitors collect their dragons in great interest. Walking up behind Harry, she looked curiously at his, "Can I touch it?" she asked quietly, upon seeing him nod, she carefully lifted it out his hand, small claws catching on the leather of his glove. The little dragon suddenly stopped fidgeting and looked up at the girl, "Oh? Not so wild now are we? Just like the big version of you. Isn't that right, cutie? Now, be good for Harry alright?" Those who surrounded her looked up at the sudden change in language. Not that anyone was able to tell what she was saying. It was strangely cute how the small creatures moved around as though they were real beings. The canon sounded causing the tent to shake violently at the force and Cedric Diggory proceeded into the arena, first of four fights to take place.

Fortunately enough, the majority of the matches resulted only in burns and the occasional broken bone. But she had a bad feeling about Harry's fight. Something told her that the injuries that were going to take place were going to be a lot more severe than the rest of the fight.

When the bloodied and bruised Harry Potter arrived after his fight, Sakura was greatly shocked. Quickly snapping out of it, the girl's hands lit up as she hurriedly began to close up the open wounds as much as she could before working on the internal damage he'd taken. His right hand had also taken quite the battering and so she worked more on that then his left. When she was done, the boy looked better than he did before, but both himself and his robes were still stained with blood. She gave him a smile, "Much better, now, go clean yourself up, alright?" she then gently patted him on the back before moving to leave the tent. Harry suddenly calling out to the girl causing her to halt in her tracks, "Thank you, Sakura." he offered her a grateful smile as she turned. Giving him a smile of her own she said, "Your welcome, Harry." before pushing the tent doors open, one hand waving goodbye as she left. Harry gave a breathy laugh as he watched the girl leave the tent before looking down at himself, "I guess I should go and clean up then." then the boy stepped out the tent, the loud crowds outside erupting into cheers at the sight of the boy, a great contrast to the silence of the tent as it stood empty once more.

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