Chapter 24

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The fight Sakura returned to seemed rather one-sided. The very sight of Harry Potter writhing around on the floor in pain made her feel sick to the stomach. Only seconds ago, they were celebrating her medical prowess, and now... If she didn't do something, Harry Potter could very well die. But if she did, she risked her own life and her being dead benefitted nobody. For now, she'd watch and wait, no matter how hard that decision was, it was too dangerous to go in unprepared.

"Attaboy Harry. Your parents would be proud of. Especially your filthy muggle mother." Sakura's eyes widened as she watched Voldemort begin to verbally torment the boy. Harry went to protect himself with a simple expelliarmus charm but was instantly cut off. Sakura frowned, this was clearly a lethal fight, so why was he using non-lethals, let alone, simple charms? "I'm going to kill you, Harry Potter. I'm going to destroy you, after tonight, nobody will ever question my powers again. After tonight, if anyone speaks of you, all they'll speak about is how you begged for death. And how I, being a merciful lord, obliged. Get up!" The pale man moved his hand over Harry's face before the boy rose from the ground.

The moment Harry was standing and Voldemort was facing away, the boy-who-lived ran for it. Sakura's eyes widening as she noticed him steadily approaching her, muttering an almost silent curse she pressed her back firmly on the gravestone. "Don't you turn your back on me, Harry Potter." he shot a spell at the boy causing him to falter in his path. "Look at me when I kill you. I want to see the life leave from your eyes" 

Harry clearly responded to that as he shifted to stand, frowning, Sakura remembered the times in her past life when people had died doing foolish things like this. Cursing at herself for being weak, this world was clearly getting to her, she appeared beside Harry. A comforting hand on his shoulder, she gave him a smile as she shook her head, forcing him to the floor. 

"Think this through, please, Harry, Cedric is waiting for you on the other side of that portal. Don't die, Cedric was a miracle and I know for sure I'm no miracle worker. Of course, I know you have to fight him eventually, but please, think your actions through properly first." the black-haired boy gave her a shaky smile of gratitude as he looked into her own green eyes. The fear in her eyes unnerving him slightly, but at the same time, it strengthened his resolution. He wasn't alone in this situation. He wasn't the only person who was afraid of what he was going to face and he wouldn't fail, he couldn't, not with so many believing in him.

"Sakura, I need you to fight with me. I'm hoping that the death eaters won't go for me, but in case, I want to know yours there. I want to know that I have somebody on my side, particularly somebody as powerful as you." Sakura smiled at the boy, wrapping his hand in her own, she squeezed it. This was an important battle, removing this experience would have a negative effect on his future. All she could do now was help him through it, rising to her feet, she pulled the boy up as well, "Go win, we believe in you, Harry Potter." The boy nodded his head as Sakura's hands glowed a familiar green, his wounds healing and his body feeling completely rejuvenated. "Good luck."

The moment Harry stepped out, Voldemort prepared for battle. Only, this time, he was not alone. The pink-haired female following after was unfamiliar to him, turning to his death eaters, a scowl appeared on his face. "Pettigrew, I thought I told you to kill everyone who wasn't important." the man in question whimpered, fear covering his face as he stuttered out his response, "S-she d-d-didn't come with t-th-the others, my Lord." Voldemort growled in annoyance before broadening his audience, "Who is she?" whilst the man feared no-one, it was risky not knowing your enemy. Lucius stepped forward, silver eyes gleaming in the dim light, "She's one of the medics at Hogwarts, very powerful in other aspects though. Two years ago, she punched a full-grown adult across a quidditch pitch because he injured a patient further. If she has other abilities, it is unknown, but she doesn't use magic, its something else, that I am sure of." 

Sakura looked over at the discussing wizards, a moment ago, they were asking for a fight, now what were they doing. Not that she was complaining, of course, but it was an annoyance. Either way, she pushed Harry forwards, muttering a quick, "If you need it, I shall help, otherwise, I'll remain here. Okay?" the boy gave a shaky nod before turning towards the Dark Lord as he focused on Harry.

Almost as soon as the duel restarted, the death eaters began to creep towards Sakura once more. The girl frowned in annoyance before leaving behind a clone and moving towards the approaching villains. To say she wasn't afraid would be a lie, it was foolish to not fear the unknown. But the important thing was not to let that fear overwhelm you too greatly. Reaching into her pocket, she withdrew a pair of biker gloves. The pieces of clothing giving her a small comfort in the terrifying situation she found herself stuck in. Spiking her chakra, she began to transfer it towards her fists causing them to glow a bright blue colour. 

The first death eater was unfortunate enough to have no forewarning in her attacks. Her powerful fist going straight into his chest and sending him flying, bowling over several others in the process. "Chakra scalpel" she muttered to herself, this was by no means a fatal attack, but fatality wasn't a necessity, as long as they were not a danger, it was okay. Her hands running over the bodies of the death eaters cutting into various muscles causing the wizards to fall to the ground. There were no outside injuries, no give away signs of an attack, that was what made her that little bit more terrifying to the grounded men. Whilst Voldemort would probably cut her down in seconds, she was able to take down a multitude of them at the same time. She was a cut above the rest, a perfect fighter. It was like that was what she'd been trained to do since birth. But what did they know?

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