Chapter 10

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When the school year was finally over, Sakura couldn't help but feel happiness overwhelm her. The year had been chaotic, from petrified students to oversized spiders, it was a year that she would rather forget. Yet, it was also one that would be engraved into her mind for a long time coming. But if there was one little detail she enjoyed the most, it would be what happened to Lockhart. Although she should feel bad for the man, he had, after all, lost his memories, she couldn't help enjoying it as she terrorised the poor man. He had it coming.

But now Sakura found herself at the Hogwarts platform, waving goodbye to the teachers who were remaining to sort out the school. Whilst she was by no means close to the Golden trio, she had begun to pity them after what they'd gone through over the year. She'd also had to supervise Lockhart's departure which meant taking him down to St. Mungos. Why she had been stuck doing this was beyond her, but she had the feeling it was to help her explore the world. Well, it was either that or the teachers hated the man as much as she did. Either way, she now found herself seated in a compartment with the giggling blonde professor. They'd gotten there before all the other students to guarantee them somewhere to sit, they didn't want the man being alone in the state he was in. None of the other students knew about his little self-obliviation spell after all.

But Lockhart must have some pretty bad luck or something as the students who joined them were none other than Draco Malfoy and his two followers. Sakura had become extremely flustered at the sight of the blonde staring at the blonde who seemed drunk on laughter. God, Lockhart was so embarrassing. The boys laughed at the man who was muttering to himself quietly. Who'd have ever guessed that the man would react to the memory spell like this?

Draco, on the other hand, found the entire situation greatly amusing. The sight of the kunoichi embarrassed just made it more hilarious. The blonde couldn't help the snicker before taking a seat beside Sakura, feet propped up on the seat next to Lockhart. Crabbe sat in the seat beside Malafoy's feet and Goyle took the seat beside the blonde. Draco then turned to look at Sakura, a smirk on his face, "So... What's up with the Professor? Did get obliviated or something?" Sakura opened her mouth to reply when Lockhart leant over, "Who's that?" the man loudly whispered causing Sakura to bring her clenched fist down on his head, knocking him out for a few minutes, "Shut up Lockhart, and to answer your question, he accidentally obliviated himself when he used Ron's wand to try and obliviate Harry." Draco's eyes widened before he snickered to himself, no wonder he'd lost to Snape, the guy wasn't as great as he claimed to be. "So, why are you here anyway?"

Sakura scowled at the boy before bluntly speaking, "Dumbledore doesn't trust him to make his way to St. Mungos on his own." Draco nodded his head, snickering as he did so before turning back to his followers and initiating conversation.

The long journey to Kings Cross was extremely dull for Sakura, instead, she'd opted to begin studying. She'd translated her textbooks into Japanese in her free time, it had developed her English but also made studying much easier. It also made it easier to hide personal information and secrets as she simply wrote it in Japanese and snuck it into her notes. At some point, Draco had looked over her shoulder, but when he saw he wouldn't understand what was written, he quickly got bored.


When they'd arrived on Platform 9 3/4, Sakura had whisked Lockhart away, giving Draco only a simple "Goodbye" when she'd gotten on the platform before body-flickering away. It was a new move that she'd begun to work on over the last few months of school. Draco then strode over to his father, the stoic man looking at his son with a calculating grin on his face. Grabbing a hold of his son, he quickly apparated them back to the Malfoy Mansion.

"Draco, who was that girl?" The man asked as he turned to take a seat in a large, juniper green armchair. "Who? Sakura, the one with pink hair?" Draco thought to himself, that was the only girl that he could recall associating himself with. She was clearly powerful and he'd been raised to associate himself either with followers or anyone he didn't want as an enemy and she was somebody he'd never want to fight. "So that's her name... I want you to get along with her, all right, I think that she could be a very prominent person in the future and I'm sure that my Lord would greatly appreciate her presence on our side." Draco nodded his head, it didn't sound too bad an idea, all he would have to do is seek her out a bit more. She was already reasonably close to Snape so that shouldn't be too hard... right?


Sakura, on the other hand, found herself sitting next to Lockhart in the lobby of St. Mungos. A woman with brown hair tied in a tight bun approached the pair, "Ms Haruno and Mr Lockhart?" she asked, looking through her glasses at them. Sakura simply nodded, "Please follow me, the doctor is ready to see you now." nodding her head, Sakura pulled Lockhart to his feet before following after the woman, tugging on the man's arm every now and then.

It took the doctors just short of half a day to dispel the obliviate charm on Lockhart's mind. It wasn't a spell that was often reversed as the majority of the time, the victim didn't know they were affected. It also would take many months, potentially even a year, for Lockhart's mind to return to the state it was in before the accident. Until then, he'd have to go through a lot of rehabilitation and be under constant vigilance, in case it relapsed as many of them did. But Sakura couldn't help the feeling of relief. Although she'd found his memory loss quite entertaining at times, she didn't wish it a constant state for the man. 

He was already enough of an idiot after all.

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