Chapter 17

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The next couple of weeks were rather slow and uneventful, just the usual stuff with Paul and Leah; who by the way has been doing great

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The next couple of weeks were rather slow and uneventful, just the usual stuff with Paul and Leah; who by the way has been doing great. She doesn't even cry in her sleep anymore which I'm thankful for. It was great having her back to herself. Harry and Sue make sure they thank me every time they see me for getting their girl back to normal.

The only thing that was weird and driving Paul a little crazy is that since we got back from Hawaii, Jared has been blowing us off.

We've tried calling, texting, going to his house but he never answers or is never home. His parents are pretty vague on where his where abouts are, only saying 'he's not here' or 'he's out'.

I felt bad for Paul because like Leah and I; him and Jared have been best friends since babies. He was always with me, or Leah and I; and I know he needed some real guy time with Jared. He has other friends but that doesn't explain why Jared seems to have fallen off the face of the Earth.

Currently I was at Leah's helping them paint the inside of the house. Sue finally got to Harry about giving the inside more lively colors besides the dull shades of brown and orange on every other wall. I had to agree with her, it kind of does bring dullness into the happy home.

Leah was working on the hallway, Sue and Harry in the living room, and Seth was helping me in the kitchen. I was enjoying painting with Seth because I haven't really had the time to hang out and talk to him like a sister would to her brother. I love Seth to pieces.

"I don't get why mom is so set on this shade of yellow for in here," Seth says while getting more paint, "It looks like the inside of a banana peel in here!" I couldn't help but laugh at him. He was right though, it was a very bright yellow.

"Maybe because this is the kitchen and where food is," I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Then why not a lighter shade like a lemon?"

A thought suddenly hit me, "Because banana's are a great source of potassium."

Seth stops painting and raises his eyebrow, "Seriously Gem. You are such a nerd!" I tried to glare at him but both our serious looks disappeared as we both busted out laughing. Seth is such a little joker. I missed being around him.

There was a knock on the door but neither Seth or I paid attention to it since the others were closer to the door. Not to long later, a pair of strong arms wrap around me making me squeak. I turn my head to see Paul smiling down at me. As he goes to kiss me, I lift my brush up and get some paint on his nose which gets him to release me.

"Are you serious right now Gem," He complains as he goes to look for something to wipe it off with. I start laughing, "Looks like you were yellow nosing a banana." Seth goes into a laughter fit at my joke which I'm not to far behind him in. Paul just stares at us, "I didn't know potassium was good for the nose!" Seth manages to get out between his laughter.

My Spirit Warrior ~ Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now